"Don't think so. Most of them have been crossed with each other at least once, though."
"And then the baby ones don't get along when they grow up or they're like mules and it doesn't matter if they do or don't?"
"Or the zoo where they live doesn't have one of the other two species, or they just have a girl leopard and a girl liger, or they don't feel like trying it, or whatever. I don't know. Some of the hybrids are fertile, though, with the parent species."
"If I ran a zoo I'd mix 'em up all kinds of ways." Pause. "There is probably a reason I don't run a zoo."
"Eventually I'd try to crossbreed a penguin with a puffin and it just wouldn't go well."
"But it'd be so convenient, I could borrow cool animals to acquire from other zoos and we wouldn't have to make long trips or sneak around at night."
"How personally do you want to be involved in producing the little baby pandas?" she inquires.
"I would like to have a little baby panda. As a pet or to morph or both. I bet pandas are a happy morph."
"Right," says Robin, "that would be adorable - I'm not saying run your imaginary zoo with no baby pandas allowed, I'm just saying, the easiest way not to go overboard on something is to make it somebody else's job. No pestering the staff to send the snow leopard and the clouded leopard on a date."
"Awesome, set me up with an imaginary zoo. I am delegating," says Andi, waving a hand in Robin's direction.
"If I did it myself I'd go overboard, right. Marble columns around the petting zoo section and gold-plated manure shovels and stuff."
"What in bloody hell would you even want a gold-plated manure shovel for?"
"I dunno! It seems pretty stupid. So I better not procure my own imaginary zoo, huh?"