Elspeth (and Jacob) return home to Aurum, and promptly from there to Isle Esme, after the party has concluded, and Elspeth starts looking for Felicity. (And incidentally assessing the house and island for damages.)
Felicity is in his room, snuggling his poof and playing a computer game. Nothing appears to have burned down or been demolished while Elspeth and Jacob were gone.
"It was fun! Glass discovered that templates come in two clusters we're calling the purple moiety and the green moiety, although we don't know what that means yet. Jokers are purple. Jake and I are green."
"The Joker named them. Maybe more descriptive names will turn up if we find out more about what it means. So far all we know is that most purple templates trend bisexual and a lot more of you are masochists."
"Also it looks like when people of one moiety have kids they have the same moiety children, but inter-moiety relationships appear to alternate."
"Templatehood is apparently contagious. She got some on her best friend and her cat, so we can expect to see more of those. I'm templatey, too, but I didn't exactly catch it, she says - also, she hasn't checked my father so it's an open question whether other Elspeths would have my parents."
"Possibly none! Brilliance is one of you and doesn't have any parents. And it also seems like which parents you guys have when you have them at all varies cluster to cluster."
"Brilliance is a magically created device. He had terrible creators, but no parents."
"And we've always got terrible somebody," says Felicity. It's obvious to him; how wouldn't they?
"Yes. He was about a year old, I teleported into his room and picked him up and explained myself to his mother and left. She wasn't pleased."
"I told her she could send an email later and it didn't matter where, that Jane would collect it, but she never did."
"I didn't particularly expect her to, but she's not the awful parent for that cluster, so it was possible."