Mallyn's first concern is whether he and Rithka have been permanently lost. Rithka, on the other hand, knows exactly what's going on - "this just happens sometimes! It's okay, we can go home whenever!" - and eventually has him reassured enough that he sits down at the bar and stutters his way through asking her for potato soup. Rithka gets a walnut to nibble on companionably from her squirrely perch around his neck, but doesn't feel like shifting to eat anything substantial. She was in the snack cabinet earlier spoiling her dinner.
"If I could turn into a squirrel I bet I would," muses Felicity. "Is there a kind of magic that does that?"
"Dragons get to do a lot of cool stuff," he observes. "Can - kyma - do cool stuff too? Other than turn into things?"
"Aunt Rhysel made our house with kamai," Rithka reminds him.
"They can do healing too," says Mallyn. "Uh, differently from how lights do."
"And," says Rithka, "illusions, and mindspeech, and lifelinks, and golems, and they can also move around channeling capacity so people who don't have any can be wizards, and make it so people who couldn't usually be kyma can."
"They can do healing too," says Mallyn. "Uh, differently from how lights do."
"And," says Rithka, "illusions, and mindspeech, and lifelinks, and golems, and they can also move around channeling capacity so people who don't have any can be wizards, and make it so people who couldn't usually be kyma can."