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Thread Continuity Authors Replies Last Updated
Has Warnings some godsforsaken cave in the middle of the desert [1 2 3 ... 24 25 26] Sunset Tones Ratatoskr 627 by red
Has Warnings mysteries are worth their weight in gold [1 2 3 4 5 6] Sandboxes 149 by qatboy
Complete Has Warnings actually it's marty stu when it's a guy [1 2 3 ... 38 39 40] Corundum Dragon Fairy Elf Witch 982 by red
Has Warnings Getting into a rhythm! [1 2] Sunset Tones Extremely Light Academia (Learning to Love!) 37 by red
Complete Has Warnings Dreams of dancing fade to daylight... [1 2 3 ... 29 30 31] Sunset Tones Extremely Light Academia (Learning to Love!) 764 by red
Hiatused Has Warnings insert cave pun here Sunset Tones Ratatoskr 17 by red
Complete Has Warnings Geffen, City of Magic [1 2 3 ... 29 30 31] Corundum Yggdrasil 755 by red
Complete Has Warnings chronicles of dragons [1 2 3 ... 17 18 19] Corundum Tamrielic Chronicles 461 by red
Complete Has Warnings the prologue of the penultimate meta mega crossover [1 2 3 4 5 6] Sandboxes 142 by NormalAnomaly
Complete Has Warnings Learning to Love! [1 2 3 ... 30 31 32] Sunset Tones Extremely Light Academia (Learning to Love!) 793 by red
Complete Has Warnings there's no better plan [1 2 3 ... 21 22 23] Corundum Pyreflies 566 by red
Complete Has Warnings Criatura Academy [1 2 3 ... 26 27 28] Corundum Yggdrasil 693 by red
Complete Has Warnings if I had a nickel for every talking inanimate object I'd met [1 2 3 4] Corundum Dragon Fairy Elf Witch 88 by red
Complete dragon fairy elf vampire [1 2 3] Sandboxes 69 by red
Complete vanishing act Corundum Dragon Fairy Elf Witch 0 by red
Hiatused Has Warnings chronicles of heaven and hell [1 2] Sandboxes 41 by Curious Discoverer
Complete Has Warnings chronicles of fate [1 2 3 ... 23 24 25] Corundum Tamrielic Chronicles 625 by red
Complete Has Warnings chronicles of righteousness [1 2 3 ... 16 17 18] Corundum Tamrielic Chronicles 426 by red
Abandoned Has Warnings chronicles of heaven and hell (archived) [1 2 3 ... 9 10 11] Sandboxes 256 by Curious Discoverer
Complete Has Warnings chronicles of revelry [1 2 3 ... 16 17 18] Corundum Tamrielic Chronicles 437 by red
Complete Has Warnings chronicles of memory [1 2 3 ... 14 15 16] Corundum Tamrielic Chronicles 390 by red
Hiatused and we shall call it eureka Aurora Aetheryte 19 by red
Abandoned Has Warnings make new friends [1 2 3 ... 21 22 23] Sandboxes 571 by red
Abandoned Has Warnings to protect and heal [1 2 3 ... 21 22 23] Sandboxes 559 by red
Abandoned should the dreaming end [1 2 3] Sandboxes 73 by red
Total: 28