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red's Characters
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Template: Azem

Happy-go-lucky adventuresome adrenaline junkies, Azems need their lives to be interesting and meaningful or they might (almost literally) die of boredom. They have extremely high charisma as well as an ability to like everyone they meet and to understand them so well it's almost mind reading. They care very much about their images and they usually go all-in on an Aesthetic™. They can often neglect their own needs and wellbeing when they feel like it would get in the way of helping others or fulfilling his duties. They're also really, really horny, always pansexual, and obligate polyamorous.

They tend to be well-off, often being part of nobility when the setting permits. Occasionally parented by Hades and Persephone, though the latter is often absent from their lives from early on, and when that happens their relationships with their Hades is very bad. In settings where magic or superpowers are rare/genetic/luck-based they will often be complete normies, except when the story would be better otherwise.

If they share a world with Thanatos and/or Yvette, they will meet and have an outsized impact on each other's lives. This often means romance, but it can also be strong companionship/friendship/family or strong enmity/rivalry.

They don't originate from any existing characters but they circumstance alt very naturally into Baldur Gate 3's Astarion, the Scholomance's Orion, Trigun Stampede's Vash the Stampede, and the roguelite video game Hades's Zagreus.

Good threads/continuities to be introduced to the character are Gunsmoke, Ice and Fire, Sanguine Blossom, Lantern, and Yggdrasil.

Template: Cor

Cors are something I like to call a "self-insert-adjacent". They were ideated as "me but modified to be a more interesting fictional protagonist": they're allistic and extroverted, more energetic, more sociable, more impulsive, less thoughtful, less introspective, and more temperamental than me. They're smart, a bit arrogant, ambitious, impatient, and are always looking for the most important problem they could be working on; in other words, they're reasonably centrally glowprotags. They're universally bisexual and obligate poly, and often nonbinary but unaware of this fact.

On default Earths they are EAs and into AI alignment. They occasionally have a younger sister and an (as-yet unthreaded) even younger brother. Their relationship with their family (especially their parents) is often somewhat fraught, and takes some work (from both them and their family) to get to a state they're comfortable with.

They're very attracted to and romantically compatible with J, but they're kind of slutty and will often have a lot of casual sex and occasionally get regular fuckbuddies.

Good threads/continuities to be introduced to the character are Dragon Fairy Elf Witch (and its sequel continuity Extremely Light Academia), Tamrielic Chronicles, Plumbob, Pyreflies, and Yggdrasil.

Template: Dauntless
Template: Deborah
Template: Eric
Template: Fe
Template: Fujieda
Template: Gab
Template: Gregory
Template: Hades
Template: Ha-eun
Template: Helios

Cheerful autistic nerds, Helioses are driven to the point of recklessness, extremely self-sacrificing, and have a strong sense of justice. They're prodigies at maths and engineering, often able to tinker with and create useful trinkets and machines from a young age. They're people-pleasers and have very low self-esteem and a lot of impostor syndrome, and often feel the need to constantly prove themselves and "be useful".

They often have some kind of congenital physical disability which compounds their feelings of inferiority (regardless of whether their environment is supportive or not). However, it typically gets "fixed" by the plot, and frequently by their own ingenuity. In settings with overt magic they become exceptional magic users, and in settings with magic based on devices or magical constructs they will almost always be drawn to it. They're straight but interested in bihacking in worlds with homophobia and bi in worlds without, and they're obligate poly.

They're based on Hero, a minor side character from Worm and as such that instance is their most central one, but their instance as the Warrior of Light from Final Fantasy XIV is also pretty central and his most developed one.

Good threads/continuities to be introduced to the character are Aetheryte and Yggdrasil.

Template: Holy
Template: Hypnos
Template: Jack
Template: Jaeha
Template: Katta
Template: Kotarō
Template: Laura
Template: Law
Template: MK
Template: M*n
Template: Nyx
Template: Persephone
Template: Prime
Template: Rage
Template: Sadde
Template: Tae-hwan
Template: Thanatos

Serious autistic nerds, Thanatoses are reserved, quiet, and taciturn, very resilient, have a very strong moral fiber, and devote themselves wholly to whatever they feel is their duty. Despite stereotypes, though, they are not very introspective, and often don't know what their own feelings are, sometimes even ending up surprised by their own reactions. They tend to have a temper and to be quick to judge others, but they judge themselves most of all, and often have running commentary of their own failings playing constantly in their minds. They tend to be easy to fluster and embarrass, but they don't like letting their feelings get in the way of getting shit done. In other words, they are a typical tsundere. They're universally bisexual but often repressed, and they can be mono or poly. As they grow older/more mature they acquire a substantial dose of chill and become much more able to understand and accept themselves.

They will occasionally have Hypnos as a twin or younger brother or close friend, and occasionally a Nyx as a parent. They don't have strict magic or setting requirements but they will often have powers/abilities themed around death, cold, and knives/blades when those are available. In settings where this makes sense, they are exceptional swordsmen, and great at battlefield tactics.

If they share a world with Azem and/or Yvette, they will meet and have an outsized impact on each other's lives. This often means romance, but it can also be strong companionship/friendship/family or strong enmity/rivalry.

They're based on the roguelite video game Hades's Thanatos, and as such that instance is their most central one, but other circumstance alts that are very natural to them are Guiding Hazard's Lee Tae-gun, ASOIAF's Ned Stark, and Trigun Stampede's Nai.

Good threads/continuities to be introduced to the character are Guide, Gunsmoke, Ice and Fire, Sanguine Blossom, Curtain, and Yggdrasil.

Template: Tobias
Template: Towa

Towas are incredibly masochistic and very slutty, tend gay when male and bi when female, and often want to be beat up to within an inch of their lives on the regular; their bodies are often covered in scars, many self-inflicted. They're really good at reading people and getting them to open up, at least when they're not immediately put off by his haggard and scarred appearance. They're very artistically skilled, and like to paint abstract images inspired by the innermost conflicts of other people, but they only do this when someone is particularly inspiring to them and lose interest once their work is finished. They're often chain smokers and heavy drinkers.

By default they are quick to anger and become aggressive when pushed, and they tend to get into a lot of fights and get a reputation as a troublemaker and as someone you shouldn't mess with. Then something happens, usually a betrayal (or seeming betrayal) by someone really close to them, which turns them extremely depressed and apathetic, not actively suicidal but often indifferent to the possibility of dying.

They're typically raised by someone who horribly abuses them, mentally and physically and sexually, to the point that they block out all memories of their childhoods. They often live on the streets or in shelters until someone takes them in, and they occasionally join the sidelines of gangs or other disreputable groups.

They originate from the visual novel Slow Damage's main character, and so that instance is their most central one.

Good threads/continuities to be introduced to the character are Smoke and who will wipe this blood away.

Template: Vivi
Template: Willow
No Template