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the continuing adventures
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Kyubey hops onto Kaylee's shoulder.  'Ready!'


Lianne leads the way, jumping to the nearest tower.


Kaylee follows; she flails just a little as she's flying through the air, but lands gracefully enough, laughing a little.

A faceless angel-shape with a wind-up key in its back crawls toward them on all fours.


Lianne swings at it.


It goes down easy, wisping away into smoke.

More angel-shapes emerge, over the ledge from the walls of the tower, crawling along the walls effortlessly like spiders.  Kaylee flicks throwing knives at two of them, which vanish as well.


"Let's not waste to much time here," Lianne says, eyeing the next jump. "They don't look like they can fly; we can probably get to that next tower easily even with them trying to attack."


"Sounds good."


Lianne makes sure they're clear, then jumps to the next tower. 


Kaylee follows.

As they land, they notice that a few of the familiars launched themselves into the air after them.  They can't fly, but at least a few of them are impressive jumpers.


Lianne prepares to fight.


Kaylee hops backward to a position behind Lianne, and conjures a pair of throwing knives.

As they land, she takes a shot at one of them, and it puffs into smoke; the other two land flanking Lianne.


Lianne spins, trying to get both of them with one cut.


She succeeds.  "Nice one!"

More familiars swarm over the edge.  "Next tower?"


"Thanks. And yeah, let's keep going."


They proceed, jumping from tower to tower.  Not many familiars bother trying to follow them, and the ones that do are easily dispatched.

As the towers get more densely packed, the roofs get more and more crowded even before they land on them.

"Next one looks pretty packed," Kaylee says.  "Want me to go first and try to clear a space to land?"


"That sounds a bit risky. I should be able to throw my sword from here, maybe carve out a bit of a path..."


"Sounds good to me."


Lianne flings her sword so it spins horizontally, trying to clear as many of the familiars as possible, and immediately draws a second sword.


A few familiars jump ship, or fling themselves toward their tower; most of them are taken out by her sword.  Kaylee flicks a knife toward one of the jumpers, taking it out.


Lianne braces herself to take out any that get past Kaylee.


Several do.  One lands nearer Kaylee, and she knifes it; the others crawl towards Lianne.


Lianne takes them out as they come.


"Looks like the next tower's clear; shall we?"




She jumps, lands, skids a little.

The towers are getting higher, their roofs overflowing with familiars.

"Didn't you mention you and the other girls jumping from wall to wall when you fought the pottery-witch?  That might be easier from here on out."

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