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'Yeah. Not every Friday, at least not yet, but ones where I can get my homework done early, at least.'


'Sure.  We could pick a different day, or...?'


'Nah, Fridays are best. Every other available day would run into the school night objection. And I'd rather not hunt mid-day Sunday, too much risk of someone seeing something suspicious.'


'That makes sense.  Friday it is.'


'Might be able to manage this Friday, even. Depends on my mom.'


'Fingers crossed!'  She grins.  '...Should we come up with a different name for the thing than 'witch hunt?'  It's kinda, uh, unfortunate phrasing.'


'...Yeah, good point. I have no idea.'


'I mean, I don't think it's a huge deal, it just kinda throws me for a second whenever I notice myself thinking that phrase...  maybe we should ask Kyubey if there's another term for witches.'


'That makes sense. 'Witch' also seems a silly thing to call something so - that.'


'Yeah, it seems like something you'd call - an evil magical girl, or something, not a monster.'




Kaylee shrugs - well, she gets halfway through a shrug before she remembers no one knows they've been having this conversation.  Luckily no one seems to have noticed; everybody's distracted by the lunch period wrapping up.


"See you in gym!" 'That'd be a decent time to talk to Kyubey, too.'


'Yeah, sounds good to me.'  "Bye!"


And the day proceeds, and gym rolls around.

"Hey!" Lianne says once they're at the 'walking around in the name of Exercise' phase. "So how's your day been?" 'And let's iron out which questions we have for Kyubey.'


"Hi!  It's been pretty good!"  'Right.  So, we were gonna ask how to tell weak witches from strong ones, and maybe ask him to come along and help with that if we can't do it ourselves, right?  And if witches are called anything else.'


'Yeah. You want me to ask?'




'Hey, Kyubey?'


'Hello!  How can I help you?'


'We were thinking of hunting together some Friday, just the two of us, and were wondering how to tell weak witches from strong ones?'


'When you're dowsing for a witch, the intensity of the sensation is affected by the witch's proximity and its power.  You can use that plus other cues to estimate the strength of the witch - for example, if you travel perpendicular to the direction the witch is in, a stronger but more distant witch will appear to change direction more quickly than a weaker but nearer-by one.  It's an acquired, mundane skill based on your magical sense.'

'I can do the same thing, and I have more experience dowsing than you do; I usually travel with my magical girls on at least their first few hunts and help them with this sort of thing.  I can come with you, if you'd like!'


'That was going to be my second question! We'd like that. Also, are there any other words for witches? 'Witch hunt' just has - unfortunate connotations in English.'


'I think there have been other words in other languages historically, but 'witch' is the only term I've personally heard any magical girls use.'


'Okay! Yeah, that makes some sense.'

She relays his answers to Kaylee, and asks her, 'Anything else we want to know?'

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