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Kaylee beams at the praise.

"Oh wow, five witches?  That's impressive."


"I know people who manage more! I'm trying to maintain a territory, though a smallish friendly one, and some girls with territories end up taking out a witch every night or so. Especially if they're also trying to keep other girls out - I'm not doing that, I'm just trying to keep the area as clear of witches as I can."


"Still, it's better than I've been doing.  Nice work!"


"It's not really a competition, but thanks!"


"Fair enough."

"So, I've been thinking.  Kyubey - or the Kyubeys, I guess there's more than one - it seems like they could probably help us with," she gestures broadly around herself, "this whole project.  They'd probably have an easier time patrolling for witches than us, since no one can see them and they don't have to have secret identities.  And they could help us keep track of new magical girls nearby and try to bring them into the fold.  Has anybody tried to get them on board?"


"I've worked with them some. They do inform girls who get curious about me sometimes, but they're - difficult to work with. I'm not sure they'd want to spend their time patrolling, too, but you can suggest it to one."


She nods.  "It's worth a try, at least.  I guess I kinda can't help thinking big, you know?"


"It's good that you are! We need to think big to get this succeeding."


"That's a good point.  Thanks."


"I can try networking with some of the girls I run into, see if I can't get them on board."


"That'd be really helpful! Feel free to give them my number if they have more questions."


"That's a good idea, Alex!  I think I am gonna talk to Kyubey, I'm pretty friendly with the one who granted my wish.  He was willing to come along with Lianne and me on our hunt, I might be able to get him to patrol some, and get some other Kyubeys on board with it too.  I don't meet many other magical girls out in the suburbs, but if I do I'll definitely tell them about you."


"That would be a great help, thank you Kaylee."


"No problem!"


The meeting goes fairly similar to the previous ones from there - they talk more in depth about their lives, about various random topics, and eventually Taylor heads home and then the remaining girls head out for their hunt.


The hunt is easy: they find a barrier full of children's finger paintings, familiars that look like disembodied fingers, the witch an enormous hand covered in blotches of red, blue, and yellow paint.  Against five allied magical girls it goes down easily.


High fives all around! "This is so much easier as you add people, wow. I'm almost worried we'll run out of powerful witches to take down together."


Kaylee giggles.  "Tragedy of tragedies."


"We might have to start fighting beneath our skill level!"


"We could probably just split up if we get that far - Sophie and me on one team, Mallory and Kaylee and Lianne on the other, so we have experience levels more balanced. Take out twice as many witches. And who knows, we'll probably have more girls by then, make splitting up more of a solution."


"Sounds like a plan!"


"It'll depend on how things develop, of course, but that might be something to do someday, sure."


"Yeah.  In the meantime - we should probably head home, huh?"


"Yeah, it's pretty late." 

And homeward they can all go, Mallory dropping them off as appropriate.


On Sunday, after Kaylee wraps up her homework and eats dinner:


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