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the continuing adventures
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"Yeah, good idea. We can get some momentum going that way. Especially since these towers are so close together."


"After you!  Unless you'd rather I go first?"


"I'll lead. Cover my back?"


"Sure thing!"


Lianne takes off, keeping to clear parts of the tower walls as she leaps between the buildings.


Kaylee follows.

A few familiars throw themselves off of the buildings, trying to catch them; Kaylee calls out to Lianne to dodge, or occasionally gets off tricky mid-air shots.  She laughs triumphantly whenever she pulls it off.

The center nears, palpably.


"Good shot!" Lianne calls out when she notices one of Kaylee's successes.

She tightens her grip as they near the center. "Do you feel that?"


"I think so.  Are we getting close to the witch?"


'We're getting close to the center, at least,' says Kyubey, who's been showing a prodigious ability to cling to Kaylee's back.  'It's usually where you can find the witch, but not always.'


"C'mon, let's keep going. Keep an eye out though, I think familiars get more powerful the closer to the center you are."



The clock towers get closer and closer together, until they're as tightly packed as skyscrapers in an actual city.  The clock faces are all pointed toward the center, and unlike before they're all ticking in unison.  More and more familiars are jumping off the tops of the towers, and some of them manage to start gliding after them.


Lianne cuts down any who get too close.


It's still not that hard, especially with Kaylee watching her back.

And then:

The center of the maze is an enormous circular platform, an upward-facing clock face, pearlescent and glowing with ornate hands, surrounded by a circle of vast clock faces, all pointed inward, all the same height.


Is it obvious what's the actual thing to attack?


Not at first.  Nothing in particular is pinging her magic senses as definitely the witch.

She gets the impression that it's nearby, though.


Lianne cautiously steps forward, sword at the ready. Can she tell where the witch is?


Somewhere up above.  Possibly in one of the towers.

"Do you... sense anything?  I can't tell what to look for."


"I think it's above us. We'll have to look in the towers."


'It's moving.  It might come to us.'


"You wanna wait, or take a look around?"


"Let's wait, then. We'll be at an advantage out in the open here." She steps further into the circle.


Kaylee follows, and waits.


After a few moments - 

There is a deafening sound, like a gong, or a church bell, from somewhere far above them.

Something leaps through the air - a vast human shape of tarnished brass, fifteen feet tall and slender.  It falls acrobatically through the air and lands, one one foot and one knee.  Instead of a head, it has an ornate clock face; it carries a staff with a chain on one end, like a long-handled flail, except that the other end of the chain is attached to an enormous church bell instead of a spiked ball.

It stands, assumes a combat stance, and levels the flail toward them.


Lianne dodges, darting forward to swing her sword at its leg.


Kaylee conjures knives between her fingers and leaps upward into the air, flinging all six knives toward the witch's chest.

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