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golarion gets a better love deity than calistria
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"We met the union leader - a man called Guyton Grerton - and discussed the possibility of support with labor and supply. He said that so long as we paid fairly and offered decent working conditions he'd be happy to lend us some of his people. We compared scars."


"He was very affable in person. Easy to get along with. You can see how he's gotten far in politics, especially with his story."


Kumi raises an eyebrow. "His story?"


"His legs were broken by an improperly balanced load, and the nobleman who ran his business - Ptarnex Dexarion - refused to provide money for magical healing. The dockworkers all liked Grerton, so they pooled funds for proper medical attention and then sued Dexarion for compensation. The case is still before the courts, but it looks like Guyton may win."


"I see." Kumi nods. "I spoke to Lady Dyrianna. She's willing to give us a guild license for a brothel, but has conditions. She'll loan us a property of hers on the docks for up to five years before we have to pay rent... If we repair and restore it so that it's fit to live in again." 


"Any chance we could buy it from her?"


"Not a hope. She's willing to provide a loan for the restoration work, however, and Eleena believes that she can handle the design and beauty portion of the work for a low cost. The issue is restoring the property to a livable state, which will take more than artists. The thought is that we'd hire the Dockworker's Union to see the work done."


"There is a Carpenter's Union, Kumi. They cost more, but we shouldn't skimp on vital structural work."


"Oh. Uh, of course."


Rose raises an eyebrow. "I'm surprised Eleena didn't tell you. They operate out of this district, even."


"We'll have to send someone to speak to them, then."

Kumi sighs. "So, the coming agenda - review Lady Dyrianna's contracts. Talk to the Carpenters' Union. Tour the property that Lady Dyrianna is offering and see what kind of work will be necessary to restore it. Is there anything else obvious I'm missing?"


"If we're going to have a temple, we'd better have a plan for what we're going to teach at it. We need to sort out the details of our catechism and make a proper reference text. Impromptu lectures on kink and freedom and the inherent value of whores isn't going to really cut it in the long term. We need some actual principles."


"Also, you need to meet personally with both the Firebrand leaders and Guyton Grerton, I'd say. Take their measure as your new allies."


There's an opening for her here. 

"I'd like to schedule a meeting to discuss catechism with just the clerics of Sunaira. How about we do that back at my apartment after we finish up here?" 


"Smart." Rose smiles slightly. "I'm all for it."



"Of course."


Pen just nods.


Simon looks up from his note-taking, opens his mouth for a moment, then closes it and nods.


She'll leave the Sinflower and the alchemical ampoule aside for the moment. 

"There's a lot to accomplish and not much time to do it in. Let's get moving, everyone. Pen, here's the address of the property Dyrianna is lending us, go have a look at the exterior and see if you can see the interior. I'll write you a sealed letter to show you're acting on my behalf. Simon, Eleena will want to talk to you about a matter of business on my behalf. Rose and Ember, let's go have that catechism meeting." 

The sooner she's out of Shelyn's temple, the sooner she'll be able to discuss Eleena's politics with Rose and Ember where she can't be overheard.



And the meeting breaks up.


They reconvene in Rose's kitchen, the three of them sitting around the same table she'd eat at. The late afternoon sun streams in through the small window on the south side of the room. 

Kumi picks at her fur, her back tense, her tails curled up against her body. She's not sure how to start this meeting.


"So," Rose says. "What's eating you? What's this meeting about, actually? I'm guessing not catechism."


"Eleena pulled me aside and gave me a talk about my politics and I realized kind of abruptly that I've just been trusting most people to... see reason, I guess? But she asked me if I was with New Absalom or the Citizen's League and I didn't know how to answer her. I ducked the question, pretty much."


"Ah," Rose says. "Politics. Let me guess, she's with New Absalom and thinks you're with the Citizens' League."


"I had honestly not considered the question. I hate politics, I've been trying my best to stay out of them."

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