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golarion gets a better love deity than calistria
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Kumi bumps into something about shin-height, and almost stumbles.


"I'm sorry ma'am I didn't know where I was going -" 

A rattily dressed child scurries a foot away and looks up at her. "You're not angry, are you?"


Oh, this old routine. 

She still has her ring of sustenance and her coin purse. 

"Go on," she says, shooing the child away. "Get. I don't have anything for you today." 

It breaks her heart to say it a little, but she knows that this urchin won't get to keep anything she gives - anything she hands to her will end up in the hands of adult criminals. 


"Sorry ma'am, I'll go, sorry -" 

She darts into an alleyway.


Kumi risks a glance down the alleyway. She has Rose and Ember to guard her.


Halfway down the alley is an older girl, perhaps fourteen, smoking rolled qat leaves. She looks at the younger girl and gives her a raised eyebrow.


She just shakes her head.


And then they're both behind her as she goes on down the boardwalk. 

She knew it was a mistake not to change before she left. She's still in her courtesan's robes and it's making her a target - but the last thing she wants is to still be on the docks come evening. Tradeoffs.


A woman in an intricate veil who's sitting in a large and gaudy cart by the side of the road perks up as she sees Kumi pass. "Your fortune read, madam! The future unveiled in a flash by the one and only Scarin Saloli, Sorceress Extraordinaire!"


She walks by without so much as saying a word.


The woman calls after her. "I sense deep ill fortune in your future, madam! There is much danger to come for you!"


Yeah, no. There's no such thing as a true prophetess since Aroden died. She's cast Auguries, she knows the limits of magic. She will just keep walking and ignore this con artist.


"There is doom for you! So much doom! Immense pain!" The fortune teller's voice rises, a little desperately.


Rose stifles a small giggle.

"I think she knows she's losing a sale," she whispers to Kumi.


Kumi smiles back and nods. 

And on they go.


They pass a hawker with gills on her neck and a distinctly fishy appearance. "Treasures!", she calls. "Honest salvage from the depths of Absalom Bay! Crystals, coral, fossils, foreign coins, shells, pearls, azlanti debris, reagents!"


Now that's a little tempting. If she has time after this she might stop by and see if there's anything interesting to purchase.

For now, though, she has a mission. Onwards she goes.


"Test your luck, test your skill!" Calls a half-elf under a sign of a pair of crossed knives over a target. "Knife throwing! Knife throwing! Test your aim and win valuable prizes! Come now, foxy woman, don't you want to see if you can put a knife through a target? Perhaps your scarred friend would like to give it a try?"

The barker flips a knife on his finger as he makes his pitch, a cocky grin on his face. "Come now, won't you try it? Only one silver!"


She looks over at Ember.


Ember is eyeing the knife in the barker's hands with an expression of distinct interest. 

"- Do you mind if I have a try?" she asks Kumi. "I know we're on a business trip and all, but..."


Ember? Trying something fun? She has all the time in the world for this. 

"Go ahead," she says. "We can spare ten minutes."


"That's it, my ladies, step right up! A pewter ring if you can put a dagger through the center of this target right here down the lane. Give yourself a chance and see if you can throw with the best!"


Ember smiles despite herself, and offers up a silver piece to the proprietor. "Here," she says. "I'll have a try."


"I knew you for someone with a talent for the knife! Here you are," he says, handing over a throwing-dagger. "You've got three shots. Take your time and do your best!"


A half-orc standing at the other side of the throwing booth looks up from a sketchpad and smiles slightly. "Don't let my brother fool you. Quick and direct's the best way to go at it. Throw whenever you're ready."

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