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golarion gets a better love deity than calistria
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"Don't tell me you're with the Optimates."


"I am not with the Optimates."


"I am sorry, I am not following at all. Who are these factions? What do they believe?"


Rose looks at Kumi. "I guess we'd better explain it to her."


Kumi nods. "You'd know the current camps better than I do."


"Okay, so. There are two major political questions right now. Slaves and cults. These give rise to three major factions: the Optimates, New Absalom, and the Citizens' League. 

The Optimates are the status-quo faction. They want to preserve the system that "currently works." They're pro-slaveholding and pro-freedom-of-religion. They're heavily backed by Chelish interests, entrenched noble families who don't like change, and the Vault of Abadar."

Rose raises her eyebrows. "Then there are the two reformist blocs, both of which are anti-slaveholding but which are divided on the question of the Cult of Norgorber. New Absalom is anti-Norgorber and anti-slavery. It's the position of the middle classes, more or less. It's backed by the Arcanamirium, several merchant consortiums who are blatantly smugglers, and a few noble houses who are younger wealth. It's also in favor of increasing land taxes and reducing tarrifs - in general it's anti-old-money. I wouldn't be surprised that this is Eleena's position."

"Lastly there's the Citizens' League. It's pro-freedoms in general. No slavery, no banned religions. It's backed by the Church of Calistria, the Cult of Norgorber, and most of the city's common laborers. As such it's the obvious faction we'd fall into."

Rose looks at Kumi. "So we're likely in the awkward position of being across a political divide from our largest ally so far, the Church of Shelyn."


"Ah. I see."


"We've already committed to an anti-slaveholding stance, but the question of Norgorber and freedom of religion more generally is one that we haven't considered basically at all. I'd like to hear your opinions on it."


"I... In Nidal, there is one religion. And it is Zon-Kuthon. I think it is far better to have the choice."


"I don't think we have the resources to fight both Norgorber and Cheliax simultaneously. We're still a small faith."


"Yes, but do we have the resources to go without the Church of Shelyn's aid?"


"Eleena won't just dump us overnight. She's a fellow Good cleric, and agrees with us on the slavery question. There's room for mutual respect here."


"And if she would drop us for bringing Sunaira's word to those who most need it, better to find out now than later. There is no virtue in running from pain."


"That makes sense." 

Kumi sighs. "Alright. I'll give Eleena my response tomorrow."


A moment later, there's a knock at the door.


"Rose, could you go see who that is?"


Rose goes and gets the apartment door.


"Hey," Pen says, leaning against the doorjamb. "I've just come up from the docks. The place looks ratty as hell from the outside. There's guardsmen posted. They said they had instructions to admit Kumi if she wanted to see the property, but not anyone else, not even someone bearing her seal. You're going to have to go in person."


Kumi nods. "Alright," she says. "That can be our last task for today. Thank you for your service, Pen. I'll take Ember and Rose down."


Pen nods. "Don't mention it."

And off he goes.


And so Kumi, Ember and Rose all pile into a camel-drawn carriage for transportation down to the docks, paying a few coppers between them for the ride. 

The trip's uneventful; they pass a Chelish tavern and the Carpenter's Union guild offices on the way, and finally stop near Besmarra's Boardwalk, in the touristy part of town. 

Kumi alights, and looks out across the bay towards Pilot Island's grand lighthouse. It dominates the bay, far taller than even the largest ships, and glows with enchanted light bright enough to even be seen during the day. 

"Alright," she says. "Let's have a look at this condemned whorehouse."


Rose steps out behind her and takes up a position to her right.


Ember smoothly takes Kumi's left-hand side, her gaze scanning the bay. She seems a little distracted.


The trio proceed along Besmarra's Boardwalk together as a loose group, Kumi flanked by her impromptu bodyguards.

Kumi pulls a note out of her pocket and looks for the address of the property Lady Dyrianna offered to her.


"Kumi -" 

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