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golarion gets a better love deity than calistria
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Felandriel lays out a half-dozen on the surface, and watches as red light gathers around them and is captured between their many tines. 

She picks up her forks again and places them back in her bag of holding. "Thank you."

She tilts her head. "You said that much was available to us. Are you making an offer of trade?"


"Not quite. The rules are simple: you may experiment as you wish within the Rose Bowers with all its amenities, but may not leave without paying for what you take away. Unfortunately, due to certain compacts, that includes knowledge of any magical device or object; as such, you will be prompted for payment before doing thorough examination of any object here." 

She spreads her hands. "I wish it were not so, and that we could offer you all our wonders free of charge; but those are not the conditions we operate under." 

She runs a hand along the top of the blossom. "However, I do have one item that is yours, now, free of charge, Felandriel Morgethai. For the service you do us in spreading the word of this plane, I offer to you now a rare and potent flower, the cuttings of which will still grow on the Material." 

Behind her hand, a scattering of star-shaped cyan blossoms appear, each no larger than a fingernail. She gathers them up and places them into a small leather bag, fine enough but wholly mundane. This, she offers to Felandriel.


When a good goddess' direct servant says they have something for you, you take it.

She accepts the bag and conceals it on her person. "Thank you." 


"Now, I have a few items you might wish to explore the uses of..." 

A whole array of talismans and potions appear all across the bar. 


She nods. "Thank you for the offer, but I'll return another time." She has a tuning fork now, and the locals are capable of teleporting to her. This gift must be important to Sunaira, otherwise she would not be spending budget on it. She must analyze and distribute it immediately, much as she would like to stay. As ever, her life is strange and her work is never over. 

She nods to her collected party. "Enjoy yourselves," she says.

And then she's gone. 


"Alas," Ishaza says. "Well, all of the rest of you, stay a while. We have many interesting diversions..."

It's time for her to seduce a cleric of Abadar. 


Not long after...

Kumi walks through the halls of the Pleasure Salon of Calistria, her head bowed, her motions hushed. All around her, quiet conversations occur on long divans; above her head, great stained-glass windows depict lurid scenes. She passes a statue of a woman on her knees, her face buried in the sex of another. A wasp nest settles in a small grotto above it, full of soft buzzes. 

She looks the part of any other hetaera, but none disturb her as she walks through the halls with Eleena at her side. Though few of the clients recognize her, the air of solemnity that Eleena carries through the halls makes them hesitant to approach; and of course all the hetaera know of Kumi. The blackberry at her neck tells them all they need.

She is met at the end of the hall by an obviously high-ranking hetaera. 


"Sarielle," Eleena says. "It's good to see you."


"And I you." She smiles slightly. 

"Lady Dyrianna will see you in her office on the third level," she says. "I am to escort you."


"Lead on." Eleena smiles slightly.


Kumi stays respectfully silent in the presence of her betters.


Sarielle leads them up two flights of stairs, and through a hall full of wasp nests larger than Kumi's head. The wasps are thick in the air, but none of them sting. 

The third floor is quieter, with no guests. Continual Flame lamps light the hallway. 

Sarielle comes to a door and knocks. 

"High Hetaera," she calls.


Eleena glances at Kumi, and stays.


She's petrified, but she has experience with controlling her fear now. 

She breathes evenly and does her best not to let the stress show.


"Come in," calls a woman's voice from beyond the door.


Sarielle unlocks the door with a key from her robe, and enters.


Kumi and Eleena file in behind her. 


The woman sitting behind the desk has dark skin, long ears, and the circular brands of a many-times-sold slave marked all along her right forearm. The brands start at the wrist and proceed all the way up to her elbow, where they are then hidden by her dress. 

There's a ferocity in her eyes, a presence that's deeply oppressive. Even at rest, this looks like a woman who has ordered the deaths of people and enjoyed it. 

She wears a simple band of enchanted adamantine across her forehead, an unornamented but obvious marker of her power and status.

"Eleena," she says. "Welcome. It's good to see you shepherding our young protégé." 

She turns to regard Kumi. "Kumi Shiromusume. I have heard much of you. It's a privilege to finally meet you in person."


Kumi ducks her head, uncertain how to deal with the flattery. "It's an honor to finally meet you as well, Lady Dyrianna."


Sarielle curtseys to the high hetaera, and shows herself out of the room.


"It is the least I could do," Eleena demurs.


"So," Lady Dyrianna says. "There is much to settle between us. I am sure you have a Guild license you wish to apply for - why else would you come to see me after all this time? - but before we begin business, I have some personal remarks I wish to share." 

She leans forward on her mahogany desk and steeples her fingers. "Kumi Shiromusume. You freed eight women from durance, offering yourself up to the authorities in exchange. That is worthy of a hetaera." She rubs the brand on her right wrist. "I will have justice for you and for those women, in time."


Kumi ducks her head, not able to keep her gaze from lingering on the many, many brands on Lady Dyrianna's wrist. "Thank you, milady." 

You don't question the High Hetaera when she says she will give you justice.


Lady Dyrianna's voice quiets a little. "They sold my daughter," she says. "And because of you, those women will never have to go through that pain. That comforts me, a little. I will not be satisfied till every slaver is ruined, but it eases my burden to know I have allies like you."


What do you say to that?

"I'm sorry," Kumi says quietly. "No-one should have to go through that."

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