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golarion gets a better love deity than calistria
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I believe that people do their best when given a free choice.


So too do I. Would Calistria offer that? 


... I believe so.


Alright, then. I won't stop you. Good requires many visions if it is to be whole.


Thank you, Sarenrae. 

I believe I will go to Calistria now. 


Go in strength, and be well.


Say, Calistria. I have something else you might like.


Don't tease me, darling, let me know all about it. Is it another sex toy?




A kink practice I haven't thought of?




A weapon? Something sharp and bright to throw back the prudes with? 




What is it, then, darling? I simply must know!


It's an effective alchemical contraceptive.


Oh my

And what do you want in return for this creation of yours?


Let's just say a similarly-sized favour. You honor your favours, don't you, dove?


It is fundamental to me that all those who aid or harm me get exactly what they're owed. 


I can see you making that legible to me, yes. 

Alright. Here you go. You owe me. 


A thousand thousand thanks.~


The Wing - her name is Madeline - has been very helpful to her investigations so far. She has a pamphlet of basic catechism and enough information to affirm that Gating to the Rose Bowers is likely safe. Madeline will be staying in her circle for some time yet.

Felandriel doubts she'll be seriously surprised by anything the Bowers has to offer, given the rules of the gods' game, but it's worth spending a Gate to strike tuning forks and distribute them. It's an opening for Sunaira, and she intends to give her as much surface to work with as possible. 

She collects a journeying party of people she trusts. A few competent clerics of the Churches of Abadar, Shelyn, and Iomedae, along with a few of her better and more trustworthy students to provide for the way back.

She raises the Gate, aiming for the first layer of the Rose Bowers; she lets everyone else through, then follows herself.


She appears in a noble residence, looking out onto a hedge maze through a picture window. There's leather and mahogany tables and chairs, brass chandeliers full of Continual Flame lights. The floor is carpeted in a deep red shade more fixed than any non-magical dye. There is a bar across from the window out to the hedge maze, though there's no obvious alcohol at it. It looks a bit like a very, very upscale inn, save for the lack of any obvious staff.


Within a round after they arrive, another Outsider teleports in behind the bar. 

"Welcome, honored guests, to the Rosethorn Inn." she says, curtseying slightly. "Much is available to you here."


The traveling group look at each other and seem to unanimously agree to let Felandriel deal with the Outsider. 

She approaches the bar. 

"Good evening," she says. "We come peaceably, to strike tuning forks and allow further travel and trade with this plane. Do you have an object of significance to the plane that I might handle?"


Ishaza nods, and a blossom unfolds before her on the bar; a many-petaled rose that settles out into a flat, perpendicular surface at its top. 

"Rest your tuning forks on the blossom's surface, and they will be attuned," Ishaza says.

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