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golarion gets a better love deity than calistria
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Yes. He demands bribes to keep him from destroying things and steals whatever he can get his hands on. His portfolio is Monkeys.


Let me guess, Chaotic Evil?




Monkeys, monkeys... I could have sworn I saw the name of another deity of monkeys...


Ragdya. He's Neutral. He helps sometimes, being an opposing monkey god, but he hasn't really fixed the problem.


Let me see. I bet that if you could spread your knowledge of herbalism a little farther, you would quickly gain enough strength to defeat Lahkgya. It's just that right now you're too hard-pressed to, yes?


That's pretty much the situation, yes.


How about I empower a cleric to help you deal with the monkey swarms and disease so that you can send one of your people to go teach?


That would be SUCH A BIG HELP.


Done. Let's kick some macaque asses together, hm?


Thank you!


Well, this changes her strategy a little. If she can spread birth control in Vudra... Well, it's unlikely to proliferate back to the Inner Sea region in any reasonable length of time, but it will help tip the balance in her favour. 

More to the point, however - there is precedent for reliable birth control on Golarion. She's not introducing an invention, she is merely spreading it. And that costs notably less. 

She should take this preparation to Qi Zhong immediately; he will know how to nativize it to Tian Xia. 

Qi Zhong, are you there?


Yes, I am. What's the trouble?


No trouble. I was just speaking to a Vudran deity of herbalism - Arundhat - and she gave me this herbal preparation of an estrogen-based alchemical contraceptive. I thought you should see it.


Oh! Oh, this is beautiful. Arundhat must have put much of herself into this. I can adapt it to use dong quai - you would call it female ginseng. It will take a little work to popularize, but I expect Kofusachi will back its production. 

It will still be a somewhat expensive alchemical preparation, but it is likely to be far more affordable than the alternatives. 


Thank you, Qi Zhong. Whatever you can do in this regard would be very much worth it to me.


It is nothing. Anything to ease suffering.


I'll see how you're coming along with it in a few weeks. Thank you again.

If she's spoken to Vudran and Tian Xia deities about this, perhaps she should also speak to Sarenrae. That would likely be a useful measure.

Sarenrae, I have here an alchemical preparation from parsley that acts as an effective contraceptive. Are you interested?


Yes, of course I'm interested. 

May I see?


Here you go.


This... could vastly empower Calistria.

I would proceed with caution, Sunaira. Calistria is not the kind of deity I would wish to empower. She rarely if ever gives those who slight her a chance to redeem themselves in her eyes.


Your opinion is noted. However, don't you think that the price of spreading this is worth it? 


I think it has a chance to prevent many evils in the world, but will primarily be the province of those already wealthy enough that such things are not outside their means. It will not help the downtrodden so much as those who are already comfortably well-off. 

Nonetheless, I acknowledge that it has significant value. 

If you wish to take it to Calistria, I will not stop you. And if you do, I will sponsor it as well. But I urge you to consider your actions carefully.


Is there something in particular I'm missing?


This particular alchemical preparation would also work as an abortificant. It's not its intended use, but nonetheless it would function as such. And if it became widespread in that role it could be a victory for Evil. I suspect Calistria would not care. 

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