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golarion gets a better love deity than calistria
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"I'll speak to Eleena. She'll likely want to come herself."


Eleena? The High Priestess herself? She's not going to turn that down. "If Lady Woodsong wishes to offer her aid I will hardly refuse." 


Simon hides a small smile, but nods. "I'll ask her."

He gets up from his chair, taking a slice of cheese with him. "Let's get to our business, shall we?"


Isn't that her line? 

Well, he is a fourth-circle cleric. Technically he outranks her. Not that she's counting. 

She nods. "As you say." 


Simon smiles. "Come with me, then, Kumi. Eleena should be interruptible for this."


And the meeting breaks up.


Eleena Woodsong turns out to be a half-elven woman with a bright laugh and an easy smile. It's easy to relax in her presence; she seems to make the world around her just a little easier with every word she speaks. 

"I wouldn't worry about Lady Dyrianna's reaction," she says to Kumi. "She'll have heard of your work to free slaves, and as a hataera she has an obligation to every courtesan in the city. I have no doubt she's been trying to force out the illegal brothels on the docks for some time; you'll be a perfect instrument for her."


"All of that makes sense, but somehow I doubt it'll be that simple in practice. Lady Dyrianna's affections are notoriously fickle."


Eleena tilts her head from side to side. "There are her affections and then there is her business sense. I believe the Lady to be many things, but a fool is not one of them."


"When shall we go meet her?"


"I see no reason not to try now. I expect she'll be expecting us."


"Alright, then."

It's out of her hands, now. It was always going to be, from the moment she called the meeting. But she can do her best to steer.



Sunaira has ended up getting the full list of vudrani deities from Gruhastha (apparently this does not actually cost her anything) and gone through it in exhaustive detail. 

There are too many deities in Vudra, many of whom have extremely limited portfolios. Nonetheless she perseveres. You never know what might be hiding in the details. 

For example, there is the Lady of the Blossoms, Arundhat. Her domain is the proper use, display, and disposal of flowers.

Hello, Arundhat?


Ah, yes? What? Who is this?


You don't know me, I'm an Inner Sea deity. My name is Sunaria, here is proof of my Neutral Good alignment. My domains are Pleasure, Love, Sacrifice, and Kinks.


Oh, uh, hi! I'm Arundhat. I'm also Neutral Good. My domains are, I mean is, Flowers.

Here is an iris for you. It represents - you know, right? So many mortals are so bad at this.


"Your friendship means so much to me." Yes, I know.

Thank you very much.


So what did you want to talk to me about?


Flowers, what else? 

It's good that you tend to flowers and care about beauty and meaning, I agree entirely with that. But there was a small line in the information Gruhastha gave me. It said you are a patron of herbalism?


Yes! So many people don't expect flowers to be useful! There's so much that can be done with them!


Have you by any chance worked with the parsley family of herbs before?


You mean the ones with estrogenic properties? Yes! They're so useful as a contraceptive when prepared alchemically!


Oh, wow, I absolutely did not expect you to say that. Your followers have reliable birth control?


Yes! But, um. Only in Sikari, and right now I'm having a lot of trouble with swarms of rabid macaques spread by Lahkgya.



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