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golarion gets a better love deity than calistria
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It's been the length of Ishaza's first stay, now, and the picture she's getting has become clearer. 

There is a concept of kink-as-an-activity-in-itself that she's starting to piece together. It deals with delving into individuals' preferences and personal sexual proclivities, their fantasies, their wants. There's subdomains to it - sadism, masochism, restraint play. Any given activity that people enjoy could potentially be its own kink. It hooks into Sunaira's domain of sacrifice because it's like you're demonstrating your love for someone by being able to endure play-harsh treatment for them.  

Sunaira has been sending new spells. Detect Desires, Nap Stack, Remove Disease, Voluminous Vocabulary, Suggestion. Kumi helps her flock translate survivors' accounts from Nidal out of Shadowtongue, cures particularly nasty cases of disease, and provides more time for whole groups of junior casters who can't afford their own Rings of Sustenance just yet. 

She eventually saves enough from taking wealthier clients with Detect Desires and Remove Disease to purchase a Ring of Sustenance. That lets her take more clients, and fairly quickly pays for itself. The use of Detect Desires also teaches her much more than she even already knew. It turns out that many of her clients have personal oddities they never had the courage to bring to her. 

She's starting to enter into a whole new world now. She's not just some local priestess anymore; she's the head of a blooming church, composed of a whole set of less-experienced clerics in their first circles, not all of them worshippers of Sunaira. 

It's a lot of responsibility. 


Rose is a first-circle cleric of Sunaira now. She's mostly working on translating documents out of Nidal using Voluminous Vocabulary bestowed by Kumi, but she contributes casts of Remove Sickness and Comprehend Languages and Create Water. She sleeps in Kumi's Nap Stack on nights she has it, along with many of her patients who are trying to recover from their illnesses. 

The church of Shelyn is starting to run out of space for everyone who comes to see her and Kumi, these days.


She considers. Currently she is in an awkward arrangement, working out of the city's only temple to Shelyn. It's in the Ivy District, on the edge of Ivy District Park. It's a quarter mostly inhabited by the nobility. It's safe. Her apartment is in the Coins, but a relatively good district of it. Her old place of work was there too, and relatively good as well; her madam kept the guards close with coin and that solved many of the issues that most working girls in the city face daily.

Alright, let's go district by district.

Ascendant Court. It is the obvious place; all the major cults and temples are there because everyone who tries for the Starstone goes there. It is loud, bustling, full of pilgrims. A wonderful place to trap the ecclesiastically unwary. She's going to stay well away from it at all times. The last thing she needs is to attract the attention of some sixth-circle wizard who feels personally affronted by her presence. 

The Precipice Quarter. It surely needs her ministrations. Entrance is also completely banned, and for good reason. The area is cursed in an entirely non-metaphorical way. She could try it, but she would likely die to no good end. Perhaps when she is stronger. Much stronger. It can also be struck. 

The Ivy District. It's beautiful, it really is, built as it is around its park and Shelyn's temple - but it's too good, too already-cultivated. It's full of nobles and full of art and doesn't need her. 

The Petal District. Far, far, far too expensive for her. She'd never afford the rent. It can also be struck. The Wise Quarter has the same problem.

Eastgate. It's a good neighbourhood, a safe place to grow. Gentle. She wished one day she'd move there. But Rose's apartment in the Coins is good enough for her. She could afford a more comfortable life, but... For now, she doesn't need it. And so too should she not put her shrine here. It isn't needed, just like in the Ivy District.

Westgate. Very traditional, and could potentially use her help. But she doesn't want to be a piece in the gates' rivalry, and she would inevitably become so. It's also a little like the Ivy District in that it doesn't need her help.

The Foreign Quarter. If she wishes to tend primarily to the Nidalese residents of the city, this is a good choice. However, there is a distinct aura of Cheliaxian influence in some quarters, which is a definite drawback. It has a greater variety of simple joys than anywhere else in the city. She should consider it carefully.

The Puddles. It's sinking, it's soggy, it's diseased, it needs help. The streets are flooded for half the day and it's slowly starting to die. There's rumors of goblins and a cult of Norgorber. It desperately needs her, but she doesn't have the skills. Even with all her people at her back, she's unlikely to be able to heal it. Is it worth it...?

That leaves her best two candidates for last - the Coins and the Docks. The Coins has Mudhaven, which needs the help, and it's full of businesses of various legalities. There are fewer brothels than on the docks, but still many, and the sheer variety of mercantile services on offer is enough to make a temple of a pleasure goddess able to acquire almost anything they need. Unfortunately, guard presence is... Token, at best. She'll need protection if she's going to operate here, or else to own nothing worth stealing. It does have the advantage that she grew up here and knows it better than anywhere else.

The Docks are similar, full of sailors and travellers. The guard presence is better, though. There are plenty of gangs in the darker corners, including one that plays for Cheliax, and she'd have support from the Firebrands. It's also the section of the city with the most whorehouses and taverns per yard. 

It seems to her that the decision is between the Foreign Quarter, the Coins, and the Docks, with a potential chance for the Puddles. 


Before she was a priestess herself, she had aspired to work at the Silken Garden in the Petal Quarter. Now that she has the clientele to do so... She doesn't care to. 

What does she want her new temple to be? Would it be like the temple of Shelyn, dedicated to beauty? Like Calistria's pleasure salon in the Ascendant Court? A simple soup kitchen, like the Guiding Hand in Mudhaven? A place of healing, like the Temple of the Shining Star?

She doesn't know what she's doing.


"Rose, do you have any thoughts about the new temple? What makes the most sense to you?"


"It should be like Calistria's. That draws people, the obvious lure of pleasure. We should put it on the Docks and outcompete the local brothels. Most people prefer their working girls to have some sense of class. There's more chances to free slaves there, too, and the watch is actually competent enough to protect us. Get Calistria's temple to extend a loan for the premises and get a place on Besmara's Boardwalk. You'll have the people to run an effective business, of that I'm sure."


"What about distributing healing and so on?"


"Kumi, you're taking territory. Just by existing you change the game. You'll be attacked and stolen from and shoved at. They'll try to get you to default on your loans. They'll probably try to assassinate you. You've been doing little more than any other third circle cleric of Cayden Cailean up till now. Trying to establish a new place of worship? You'll need help. Serious help. Take all the help you can get and focus on stability. Reach out to all your allies. You're making your first real play here and that's not going to be easy."


"... I guess you're right. I've got to take this seriously. I'm third-circle, after all."

She claps her hands together. "Let's call a proper meeting to discuss this."


"I'm with you there."


Around the same time...


Someone has finally seen fit to inform her that an entirely new Neutral Good afterlife plane has become coterminous with Golarion.

This is very welcome news. It hasn't been a very good century for what-is-now-called-Andoran. She hardly remembers to breathe, some days. Her books and her students keep her sane, despite the fact that she's had to be on a constant war footing for the past several decades.

She is deeply tempted to go and speak to this new priestess - Kumi is the name in the reports - and grill her for every piece of information she has. She could Greater Teleport to the temple of Shelyn in Absalom, she's been there. However, this would absolutely panic everyone involved, and that would make her presence unfortunately obvious to the least skilled at tradecraft among the Chelish.

She doesn't have to reveal her identity, of course. She could present as a prostitute come to hear the word of this new goddess, which would be a laugh. But unfortunately for her sense of humor, there is a far more boring, sensible, spell-efficient option, which is to summon a weak outsider - a so-called "wing" - from said plane in a sealed pocket of her own personal demiplane where there is no chance of anyone interfering.

Lesser Planar Binding is only a fifth-circle spell, so it won't even interfere with her security preparations overmuch.


Someone is trying to force her into their service. 

Nothing's scheduled. She resists. 


Can you beat a 17th-level wizard's spell DC?


No, she really can't.

She appears in the circle.


Felandriel surveys her capture. 

It's another silver-haired woman, with black goat horns. Not dissimilar to the first outsider that was summoned, but without the purple skin. 

"Hello," she says. "I'm sorry for the call, I don't usually do this. I simply wanted to know more about the Rose Bowers."


She'd been told to expect this kind of inquiry eventually. The rules are that you play nice. Even if Cheliax learns of the Bowers, there's little they can do about it. The information she carries benefits her side to know it more than her opponents learning it benefits them.

"Alright," she says. "I'm listening."


"I wish to bind you to answer any reasonable question about the Rose Bowers and its inhabitants. You may refuse to answer any question, but I bid you remain until I am satisfied there is no more useful information I can gain from you."


This summoner, whoever they are, is playing gentle. She's been told that if she was summoned by Cheliax she'd probably be tortured and then killed, so... 

"Let me go and then I'll tell you what you want."


She bears down with her will.


Felandriel: I'm just going to say A Lot since she's fully buffed and I can't be bothered to build her complete buff stack for this purpose.

Madeline: (1d20 +4 (Charisma)) = 23

Felandriel wins.


It's kind of thrilling, honestly. 

But she succumbs.


"Now," Felandriel says. "Tell me everything you can about the Rose Bowers."


Later that evening, Kumi gathers a small council in the temple of Shelyn. Rose is here, as is Ember (now a first-circle cleric of Sunaira herself), along with Pen and Simon as well. There's a platter of mixed foods for the table - cheese, dates, yogurt, eggs, spicy chicken, honey and hummus, along with a selection of fresh fruit which of course includes a bowl of blackberries. 

"So," she says. "We need an actual shrine. The temple of Shelyn is getting too small to administrate both our flock and its established worshippers, and we need to establish our own identity as a separate goddess from Shelyn. No offense, Simon."

She lays a stack of notes on the table. "I've been considering the Puddles, the Foreign Quarter, the Coins, and the Docks for locations. Shall we go through each individually?"


"That sounds reasonable to me."

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