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golarion gets a better love deity than calistria
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Typical, always typical! You play in one region and you get narrow, you think it's the only region that will be impacted by your deals. 

Still. How do you want to introduce birth control? 


A cleric orison for reversible sterilization, ideally.


Let me see, let me see...

It will probably loosen Yazhing's hold on Kaoling. I can't see any way Fumeiyoshi or General Susumu would take advantage of it. I think Lao Shu Po is the largest issue since she will use the opportunities for seduction and blackmail. But it is still a small impact. Lady Lang Loi will use it a little, but that's the cost of doing business - she's not on our level.

Daikitsu will support it since it makes sex workers' lives less unpleasant. Qi Zhong will support it because it's a magical medical breakthrough. I'll support it because it'll help everyone out with having more sex. 

Nalinivati might oppose a little, but I can talk her around given that it's reversible. You should really talk to Qi Zhong, this kind of work is exactly what he's best at. 

Incidentally, did you think you were the only deity of pleasure on this world?


No, I thought there was also Calistria and Shelyn. I've never spoken to Qi Zhong before either, or any of the Tian Xia players besides you.


Ha! That's a laugh. I would be grinning right now if I had a body to grin with. Yes, I'm the major established player for this domain. We should share notes. I mostly play in Tian Xia because it is somewhat more stable and thus easier to implement new good ideas in, but if you're taking that role for Avistan and Garund I don't mind at all. Many hands makes the work light! 

Incidentally, I would love to see what you're doing with your divine domain. Do you mind if I stop over and take a look around?


Please, feel free. Anything to help a fellow player who appreciates the finer things in life. 

 - Oh, one second. I was about to transfer you all my notes, but consulting the contract it says you hold Discovery among your domains. That must be why you want to come over. 

Well, why not? I've always said there's no substitute for direct experience.



Let's take a moment and learn together, shall we?


Yes, let's.


The nice thing about the god-contract is that the majority of all deities' power is conserved under normal circumstances. 

This means there are a lot of spare resources to spend on other things the deities find worthwhile within their own planar domains. 

This is presently being abused to the hilt by Sunaira and Kofusachi to have a truly staggering amount of interaction in the portions of themselves that are bound not to interact with creation directly. 

This Sunaira and this Kofusachi will go on only a little changed. A relationship on Golarion is a resource that must be deliberately developed "at the table", according to the god-contract. But within moments there is also a world where Kofusachi and Sunaira have had a full, deep, and abiding relationship, taking advantage of temporal compression and an incredible degree of multithreaded processing. 

That relationship is not actually well-describable in human terms. It's too deep. In a real sense it is the history of its own entire universe, governed not by physics as we know it but by the interplay of passion between two deities whose whole beings are devoted to finding new and exotic ways to enjoy themselves. 

Imagine all the good relationships in the history of earth; consider the variation of social roles, of interests, of cultural circumstances, of familiarity with various skills and pieces of knowledge, of personality in all its forms. Now, without taking away a shred of that variation, imagine that every single one of those romances was between the same two-ish people, each with as many bodies as they wanted, such that the sum total of the history of earth was expressed as shared moments. Imagine the depth and richness of care from millenias of experience, the in-jokes, the situations set up just to get a laugh or a smile. Imagine how far you'd move the world if you could for someone you truly cared about. 

Now imagine them both in a simulated environment they coded themselves to their exact specifications, with incredible dev tools, and that building the sim is also part of the fun. 

You could deeply study a whole branch of philosophy and still not get very far on what exactly's going on here. 

Some rules of thumb: 

- If it's less fun than a healthy sex life, you're doing it wrong.

- If it's less fun than playing on your own modded Minecraft server, you're doing it wrong.

- If it's less fun than learning an art or science that you're passionate about, you're doing it wrong. 

- If it's less fun than a life that incorporates all of the above, you're doing it wrong. 

Even if you're just building their love-world from the components of a human life, you can look at what's out there. Taking photographs of public art. Identifying snowy owls from their calls. Reading Omegaverse porn novels from AO3. Hunting stags. Tibetan throat singing. Circumnavigating the world on a one-person boat. Walking up a mountain to the rotating restaurant at the top, then taking the gondola back down. Learning how to identify twinning in rocks. Collecting bottle caps. 

They're not perfect at having fun, any more than you or I would be. But they've got a lot more tools than we do, and a lot more space to explore. That's the joy of being deities in their own realm.

All that said, this Sunaira and this Kofusachi have to spend real resources when they take a little time away from the board to fuck. 

They do it anyway. Some things are just obviously worth it; it's only a sliver of power to have a minimal-bandwidth interaction, and you learn so much about your allies from sleeping with them. It's really pretty efficient for the potential upside.


Now, I could write a whole thread about Sunaira and Kofusachi's first time on Golarion; but we have limited space, and I don't feel I could really do it justice. 

But for those at home who want something to imagine, even if it's deeply flawed and not really at all like the real thing:

Consider a wandering monk (Kofusachi) who accidentally heavily offends a witch by coming on to her (Sunaira), so she curses him to turn to animate chocolate and sics her pet land-jellyfish (also Sunaira) on him. After a harrowing near-escape, he's caught by the beastie, which paralyzes him and slowly starts to digest him. It hurts, but in a good way. 

As he begins to succumb to this predicament, a wandering priestess (Sunaira again) happens upon him and drives off the jellyfish-thing. There's a hurt/comfort scene as she gently heals what of the damage she can and tends to the paralyzed monk. As he recovers they share a few kisses and the priestess is tempted by his chocolatey aura, but valiantly resists. 

They camp overnight. Eventually, the witch catches up to him and there's a heartfelt remonstration with her to break the curse. Having done it in a moment of annoyance, she relents. They share breakfast. Kofusachi puts the moves on her again, not having learnt his lesson, but the priestess mediates and prevents there from being further issues. She asks the witch why she was so annoyed and she admits that it's because there was some truth to the accusations. 

From there, it devolves into a foursome between the wandering monk and everyone he's flirted with so far. (Including the land-jellyfish.) They decide to adventure together as a party. Wrap scene. 


Also he totally worked a jealousy/jellyfish pun in there.


You seem to enjoy lots of things, don't you?


Quantity has a quality all its own sometimes. 

Anyway. We were discussing business. That's my second-favorite activity. 


Yes, we were. You said I should speak to Qi Zhong?


Yes. He is the ideal god for you to go to about a health intervention like this one. He generally deals more with disease and infirmity directly, but if you bring this to him I'm sure he'll listen. 

In fact, I will grab him right now. Hey, Qi Zhong, there's a goddess to see you!


Yes, yes, what is it?


One of the Avistan players wants to introduce birth control to Golarion through a simple reversible sterility orison. Here she is; her name is Sunaira.




It's a pleasure to meet you. I see you two have been getting along well.

I have considered this intervention on one or two occasions myself, but it has never seemed as urgent as attending to disease directly. I have seen some of the suffering of people deprived of children by illness, however...

I think I could implement the orison you intend in such a way that it would restore the ability to bear children to those who have lost it. Is that in accord with your goals?


What do you say, Sunaira?


I think that would be worth it; it's better to give everyone the choice.


Then you have my support.




I'll handle Nalinivati. She should be easy to talk around given that we'll be implementing fertility-restoration as well. 

I'll leave the other continent's players up to you.


Alright. I'll do my best. 


Well, then. Time for the real test. 

Erastil, are you free?

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