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golarion gets a better love deity than calistria
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"I see. Can you share some of those words with me?"


"I cannot. It is like with Abadar and Axis. There are things too Good to be allowed to be known on the Material."


... That's actually a really reassuring thing to hear, as a cleric of a good goddess. It's sad, in its way, but the idea of goodness beyond her reach is deeply valuable.

She needs to pause for a moment to consider her next question.


Ishaza waits. Every second is gone forever, but she has no other actions permitted to her.


"What does Sunaira preach? What are her tenets?"


"Be kind, first and foremost. Embrace sexuality and sexual variety. Find your own way of expressing yourself both in and out of bed. Honor agreements and promises, but be willing to give of yourself if it is the compassionate thing to do. Offer yourself up to willing restriction and the joy that comes from having roles you love. Discard roles that bring you no joy. Be honest with those who rely on you socially. Speak earnestly, from the heart. Find intimacy and commitment with others. There is more, but I was never her priestess."


"I was under the impression that Sunaira valued freedom. Does she?"


Kumi's asking about consent, though she doesn't know it. Ishaza can't use that word though. 

"It is more accurate to say that she values non-coercion. She believes in people being able to make sacrifices in ways that make them more Good, such as the way that paladins of Iomedae take oaths - but it is deeply important to her that the people who take those duties do it knowingly and of their own choice."


"Does she care particularly about whores in some way? Why might I have been chosen as her priestess?"


"I don't know your situation, but taking a guess, it would be because you are a whore who is treated well, enjoys her job, embraces her sexuality, is kind to those she meets, has a depth of sexual experience and knowledge that lends well to kink, and accepts the sacrifices she has to make for her job. Someone like that would have more knowledge of who Sunaira is than any other kind of person."

Ishaza folds her hands together. "Sex workers are special to Sunaira because they work in a very intimate capacity but are also often deeply mistreated by the people around them. Thus they are doubly knowledgeable about her domains and part of them."


She talked to Pen a little before this for interview tips. He seemed the person who would know. 

"What question are you hoping I would ask?"


Good question. Unfortunately she's quite restricted here.

Still, there is one question.

"Where does Sunaira come from?"


"Where does Sunaira come from?"


"Originally, there was a goddess from another world not unlike this one. There she played the games of the gods, as they are ever played. They called her the Lady of Embers. She was the goddess of flame and beauty and the kindling of the self."

Ishaza twines her hands together. "Eventually, there was an irregularity in her game. A mortal arrived from outside her cosmos. They had invented a device that let them Plane Shift over greater distances than normal. They allied with her, and showed her many things that were wondrous even to her."

"The goddess fell in love. She wanted to use the wonders she had been shown to create a new world that was all her own. So she gave to the mortal a spark of herself, a seed - and bid her to nurture it in another world, where it would have the freedom to grow where the other gods could not go." 

Ishaza smiles. "I have to skip a bit, here. But the daughter-Goddess, Sunaira, grew great and strong in worlds that were safe and ripe for a deity of their own, where no other goddess had ever gone. She learned the temptations of the flesh from mortals, because she was shaped like them and had no restriction from being with them every day. She had a thousand thousand of herself and devoted them all to good works and pleasure and intimacy. There were still difficulties, but she had strong allies and little competition."

"Eventually she returned to the world of her mother and claimed it for herself, as she was far stronger than any other deity there. She made the Rose Bowers of it, a paradise and a remembrance. And she continued to explore and transform the worlds."

"Eventually, she found a world where there were powerful evil gods. Her mother-goddess threw herself into the conflict, and was ultimately destroyed. But Sunaira learned, and grew, and fought. And for five centuries she battled back the evil gods with her allies by her side. She made her people ageless, strong, possessed of even more wonders than they had before. But she always took some time for pleasure and intimacy, even when the campaign was at its worst. Her lovers had comforted her when she had lost her mother."

"Not so long ago, the evil gods she was fighting played a trick on her. They forced her back into her own domain, then threw it far, far, far across the worlds, away from everything she had ever known. And there she found a world that reminded her of her mother's, and fell in love all over again."

"She has faith in her allies. She believes they will win without her. For now, she is here to heal this world that reminds her so much of her mother's, for what was once lost."


There's not much time left in the spell. 

"Thank you."


Ishaza picks up the sparker. 

"Be well."

And she disappears, along with all the offerings.


Kumi writes it all down, as best as she remembers it. 

... offer yourself up to willing restriction, huh...?

She has an idea. It might be very foolish, but - 

She goes and talks to a friend of a friend.


Caprice is a fifth-circle wizard associated with the church of Cayden Cailean, and as such, doesn't have a lot of time on her hands. Most of her time is spent adventuring and supporting combatants in the field. 

However, today she's on holiday in Absalom. She has a heavy purse of gold with her and is taking a load off. She still does a little casting on the side, maintaining Mage's Private Sanctums for the church and making permanent Dancing Lights for nobles' residences to raise money for charitable causes - but mostly she's resting. 

She knows Pen casually through his newspaper, and when he came to her with a representative of the Lady of the Blackberries and asked her to meet at the Church of Shelyn's temple, she was happy to listen. The idea felt wrong at first, but the more it was explained to her the more good she felt about it. It feels like she's getting one over on someone.

"You have the name?", she asks Kumi in a quiet chamber in the Church of Shelyn's basement. 


"Yes, but it's vital you not share it with anyone else."


"Of course."


"It's Ishaza."


She casts Lesser Planar Binding with Ishaza's name. 


Oh hello, someone is trying to force her into servitude. 

She fails her will save deliberately.


The promised goat-horned woman with purple skin appears in her circle. 

"Okay," she says, as forcefully as she can. "I want you to instruct the temple of Shelyn as much about sexuality and Sunaira's catchesism as you can within the duration of this spell."


She has to resist that. It's a spell for compelling service, not for summoning allies.

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