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golarion gets a better love deity than calistria
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A whole new form of protest art for Nidal? What a wonderful gift.

I'll put it to good use.



Give Zon-Kuthon my regards.


I think he knows already.


Kumi gets her third cleric circle the next morning. 


Finally, she gets to send an actual representative. 

Here is Planar Inquiry for your first third-circle spell.


Well that's a clear instruction. 

She's really looking forward to this. She doesn't know the Lady of the Blackberries' name, or her actual story, or what she's like as a goddess beyond her own guesses. She knows none of her history, or even her alignment for sure. She assumes a lot. She knows little. 

What would be appropriate as an offering...?

She goes and purchases a selection of massage oils, perfume, berries, nice candles, and small artistic offerings, then tops it all off with a modified sparker box. The sparker alone ought to be a strong enough offering to get a significant servant from the Lady, someone who'll know something.

She goes back to her small apartment, lays out the candles in a small circle. She sets out the berries in small bowls, and uncorks the massage oil and perfume and sets their glass bottles next to the circle. 

She lights the candles with the sparker box, then lays the sparker in the center of the circle. The scent of honey, blackberries and cinnamon fills the room. 


She prays, and lets the magic do its work. 


A purple-skinned woman with horns and pointed ears appears in the circle. There are tendrils hanging from her cheeks, and each of her legs is digitigrade and ends in a cloven hoof. 

She's wearing a long red dress with a deep V neckline, with a ruby-and-gold pendant settled between her breasts. 

She has the kind of cheekbones you can only get by magic, and a soft, meditative expression.


She's never seen a person who looks like that before. 

The horns and hooves are surprising, and look a little demonic or perhaps fae - but the overall impression is very put-together and calm. The purple skin is weird. The silver hair is par for the course with angels. 

What manner of creature is this...?

"Hello?", she says tentatively. 


"Hello," says the woman in the circle. She reaches down, picks up a bottle of perfume, scents it. She smiles slightly, the kind of smile that you practice in front of a mirror until you get it just right. 

"You have questions?"


She had a list prepared, but the surprise of getting someone who looks like this has knocked them out of her head. 

"What's your name? Who's the goddess you serve?"


"Ishaza. I serve the goddess Sunaira."  

She can't answer questions that Kumi does not ask. Such is the game of the gods.


"Is the goddess Sunaira the same goddess I call the Lady of Blackberries?"


"To the best of my knowledge, yes."


"Why does she use the symbol of a blackberry?"


"On the plane Sunaira administrates, there are three layers - the Rose Bowers, the Blackberry Gardens, and the Gates of Night. The Blackberry Gardens are where anything good and pleasurable can be done without worry, without restraint, freely as you wish. To mark individuals as belonging to that layer, to say that they have accepted the chance of surprises in a world without unwanted suffering, Sunaira marks them with a blackberry stamp on their right wrist. She chooses this to represent that they have eaten of something tempting, and come away with juice on their lips, so to speak." 


That is a lot more information than she expected. Sunaira has her own afterlife plane?

"Sunaira has her own plane?"


"Yes, she does."

She's wasting spell-time on confirmation, but Ishaza can't say that.


"What is the name of this plane?"


"It is called the Rose Bowers, the name of its first layer."


"What is the Rose Bowers like?"


A nice, open-ended question. 

"It is a place where the law is simple - do you agree to do it? Does it harm anyone? If all agree and it harms none, then you may. It is a world of sexuality, hospitality, and measured freedom. It is a world, of its own - as rich and full and varied as the material plane, but curated such that only good comes of all things. It grows, flourishes, and builds. All who go there long return a little changed, a little more themselves. Once Sunaria allowed anyone to come and go as they pleased, subject to a small charge; but thanks to the work of other gods, now the rules are different. It is meant to be for everyone to indulge in whatsoever they find pleasurable and good, for as long as they wish."


It sounds a lot like Elysium, only perhaps more structured. 

"What domains does Sunaria rule over?"


"Originally, none, in a world with different gods and different rules. But now she has taken up Pleasure, Love, Sacrifice, and Kinks."


"Pleasure, love and sacrifice are clear enough to me, but what is kinks?"


"Kinks are - sexual preoccupations. Activities that cause sexual pleasure for one person but not another. For example, this striker box -" 

She picks it up and sparks it. "If I were to find being burnt by a sparker box arousing, you could say I had a kink for pain. Pain arouses me. Sunaira's way of seeing the world has many specific words for different things that cause arousal in some."

She knows many of those words - masochism, sadism, dominance, submission, bondage, discipline, not to mention very specialized vocabulary such as pleat and alertion - but it would go against the god-pact for her to share any specifics. Sometimes a concept itself is enough to be dangerous to transmit. 

This is a world without the social technology of kink and consent, even if Kumi is learning fast; she can only hope to nudge and help her rederive it on her own. 

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