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golarion gets a better love deity than calistria
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Eventually, they arrive at Iomedae's temple.


The priest of Shelyn they know is waiting for them.


So is Pen. 

"I hear you have some things for me to publish," he says with a small smile. 


Ember smiles. 

"I do."


She hands over one of the designs she has to Pen, one to Marit, one to the priest of Shelyn, and keeps the rest for herself. 

"Here," she says. "It's best these are distributed so there's more of us to carry on the work if need be. I have notes on the common factors and the implications as well, in triplicate. I didn't know how many copies I needed to make." She hands over a set of notes to Pen and to the priest of Shelyn as well. 

She looks at Ember. "Ember, you've already won. Your designs will be published in Nidal. But the more information you can share with all of us, the better."


Pen takes the notes and immediately begins transcribing them to shorthand on a small pad as they walk towards the meeting room. 

"Simon, you should go put your design and notes copy into Shelyn's archives immediately. It'll do more good the more people see it." 


The priest of Shelyn nods. "If I'm not back in an hour assume I've been waylaid."

He departs.


Ember nods. It's practical. 

"So," she says to Pen. "Read the notes and I will supplement them."


This is church business. Real church business, that can really change many people's lives. 

To think that a month ago her biggest worry was that some client would turn out to be abusive...


The paladin stays close and watchful.


Pen reads, and asks clarifying questions. His pen stays busy. 


Ember replies, short and curt.


Nothing bad happens. 

She just squeezes Ember's hand and keeps her talking.


They find a space in a meeting hall, and Pen takes even more copious notes.


Kumi chimes in with some small things she's noticed as well, and gives her own perspective on Ember's work. 

(She thinks it's beautiful.)


Ember smiles at her across the table. It is hard to hear the compliment, but - now she recognizes it as what it is.


All throughout, they're guarded by the stoic Marit. 


Eventually the priest of Shelyn returns, unharmed. 

He has many questions about Ember's design work and how she learned to sketch. He suggests small adjustments. But mostly he learns.


Ember seems to find a connection with him. She's never had anyone else care about her work like this. 

She is happy to provide all the details that everyone asks for.


And very eventually, the meeting breaks up. 

"What will you do now?", Kumi asks. 


"I think I will go to the temple of Shelyn and learn more about artistry and beauty." She smiles slightly. "Simon has very interesting ideas on shading methods in tattoo ink."


"Good luck to you, then." 

She squeezes Ember's hand one last time. 

"You can always return to me if you want to learn more from the Lady of Blackberries."


"I may do so. But for now, I want to learn about other arts."


And off they go, on to their separate lives, each a little changed for the meeting.


Say Milani, I got you a present.~

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