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golarion gets a better love deity than calistria
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Free as I ever am. How can I help you?


I want to introduce a simple cleric orison for reversible sterility to Golarion. If used on a barren individual, it would allow them to bear children again. 

Milani said that you would be the god I should use as a sounding board for this.


Alright. Let's suppose for a moment that I am a farmer in the hinterlands of Brevoy, near the Stolen Lands. The closest city is a ten-day hike down a cart track through wilderness haunted with Thyalcines and the occasional bandit. I run a small farm with my wife, my daughter, and my two sons. I know everyone in my village of thirty families and everyone knows me. There is a local priest but he's only first-circle and has absolutely no book learning.

How does this new orison make my life better or worse?


... Setting aside for the moment that you can stop having children yourself if you wish to, it means that you don't have to be as afraid of your daughter or son having a child out of wedlock. They might still get into trouble with some other neighbour's kid, but they'll be less likely to ruin their entire life over it. You can have them sterilized young and ask the cleric to reverse it when they come of age to manage their own affairs.


Is that the outcome you were hoping for?


... I hate it, but I acknowledge that in many ways it is better than the current state of affairs.


Do it, then.


You're not going to wait for me to argue about it applying to animals as well? 


Who said you were convincing me? The effect of being able to only have as many children as you wish to is enough to determine the matter. 

What is more important is that you take the time to reflect on the impact on individuals who you never intended to affect, who have no part of the wider game, and who likely never will be part of it. The common cases. Not what will happen in Nidal or Osirion, but what will happen in the whole world as a result of your actions.


... I think I would like to consider more test cases.


I think that would be wise. Would you like me to produce them for you, or would you prefer to do it yourself?


Let's collaborate on it.


Alright. Let's say I am a trader from Casmaron. Vudra, specifically.

I trade up and down the Matra River in my own small river-boat. I mostly carry pottery, textiles and grain between the various mahajanapadas. I have visited several cities - Radripal, Valishava, and Lipror - as well as a multitude of farming communities that scatter up and down the river. The local rajahs tax me every time I move between their lands. 

Let's assume for a moment that I want to have this orison cast on me. Who do I go to?



I, ah...


Can you name a single Vudrani deity?




You should probably fix that. I know Irori plays in that region, perhaps he can introduce you to some people.



Irori, do you have a moment?


Yes, what is it?


I want to learn more about the Vudrani deities and that realm of play.


I approve. You should speak to my nephew.

Gruhastha, could you introduce this new Goddess to the Vudrani player-base?


Of course.

Here is a data packet of information on several thousand Vudrani deities, ordered by degree of importance.


I'm not downloading that, that costs far too much intervention budget. Can't you just give me the top dozen or so?


Knowledge is its own reward, but I understand if you merely want an overview. Here are the top hundred major ones. May you use them well.


Thank you. I'll go through this on my own time.

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