Lurker visits The Old Republic
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"Yeah," sighs Ana.

Pat pat.


Hug. Hand?




And Ana appears outside the door to her room, alone.



In the morning, there's a delivery of fruit, but no kobold.


Instead, when it's midmorning at the Academy, the kobold appears outside the temple.


She's spotted by two guards. One starts to point his weapon at the kobold, but the other stops him.

"Nah, it's that freak m'lord told us to watch for, innit. Hey, you! M'lord's inside the ruin right now. Wait here, I'll inform her you've arrived."


She gives them a look - wow, rude - but stays put without comment.


The one who spoke turns aside, presumably to speak into a comlink. The kobold can't hear what he says. When he turns back, he says "M'lord will meet you by the entrance. That way." He gestures with his blaster.


She is not going to teleport just to startle them, she is going to be polite because that is important.

She heads over to the entrance.


After approximately fifteen minutes, Occlus emerges.

"You've returned. We should speak privately."


Nod. Follow?


Through the portal to Dromund Kaas, into the lift, take the lift to Occlus's office, go inside and shut the door.

"You are far too early to expect any progress on the artificial gravity systems. Are you instead here to explain about the Jedi you took to Milliways?"


"Something like that; I don't have very much to say about that one in particular. I did find them; they were less awful than I was expecting; Satele would like to talk to you and I think I can make that safe for everyone involved, and there were a few questions I was hoping to ask you in order to be more sure about this, but I think it'll be to your benefit to go."


The Grandmaster of the Jedi Oder would like to talk to her? How interesting. Just what exactly has this creature been doing?



The kobold takes a brief moment to consider her words. "I understand that this is vague, but - tell me about the other Sith?"


"They are, for the most part, violent people who respect only strength. I interact with them as little as possible, I find them boring. If you have a more specific query, I may be able to answer it."


She grins, just slightly. "No, that tells me what I wanted to know. Yes, I think you should talk to Satele."


"You mentioned precautions you were going to take?"


Nod. "Basically, I'll be enspelling a place so that if anyone uses the Force there, everyone in it is teleported back to where they came from. On an empty world, for neutrality. I'm open to ideas for extra safety measures, if you have any suggestions."


"I assume that will not be the only spell?"


"No, but I don't have a complete list yet, I haven't had time to work out all the details."


In other words, she's not going to tell. Occlus will just have to work around that. Poison, maybe. Something subtle. Not that she necessarily intends to use it, but a Sith of her position does not go to a meeting with Satele Shan less than lethally armed. No matter who the mediator is.

Occlus waves a hand dismissively. "I'm sure whatever you come up with will suffice. You may convey to the Grandmaster that I will attend this proposed meeting."


She bows slightly. "Thank you."


"Do you care to elaborate further on what you have been doing since you left?"


"Getting to know the Jedi, figuring out what my magic can do with yours. Figuring out if and how they can be trusted." She shrugs. "Diplomacy basics. They have a playing field they can teleport each other around on, now, that was kind of fun."

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