Lurker visits The Old Republic
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Thank you, says Bar.

"I think that's it for now - I'll invite Satele to come read what Bar has, too, in case she can figure anything else out from it."



Ana is almost done with her plate. Nom nom nom nom okay now she is entirely done.


The kobold isn't far behind. "Any ideas for what to do while we wait for Satele?"

She's making a face. It's a face that says that the correct answer to this is probably 'flying'.


Ana steeples her fingers and peers intently at the kobold.

"My mysterious Jedi senses tell me that you want the answer to that question to be... meditative discipline exercises!"


The kobold cracks up.


Ana manages to keep a straight face for about five seconds, then follows suit.

...They've been down this road before.


They have, it's great.

The kobold pulls herself together after several seconds. "So is there anything you'd like to do?"


Hehehehe-ahem. Yes.

"Flying's still an option, right?"


"Yup! Do you want the same kind of pack as last time?"


"Do you think I'm good enough for one that can do cooler stunts?"


"Yup," grins the kobold, "aerobatics model it is, and an observer for me again." They appear. "Thanks, Bar."

You're welcome.

Flying! The kobold is mostly in the mood to hang in the air and watch, but can be tempted into joining Ana in doing stunts with a little effort.



Ana is mostly too busy stunting to do any persuading, unless watching her pull off a triple flip with sideways spin going into a corkscrew loop counts as persuasion.



Well, maybe a little. After a while, the kobold pulls up closer and tries to synchronize with Ana on some of the more predictable moves. She's not very good at it, but close enough that it's probably pretty obvious what she's trying to do.


When Ana spots the kobold trying to join in, she will slow down and telegraph her moves more.

Synchronized flying is its own kind of fun.


It's a lot of fun, too.

The kobold improves quickly, and starts taking the lead occasionally, working back up to more complicated (if still comparatively slow; speed is not the observer model's strong suit) maneuvers.


Complicated is an acceptable substitute for speed! Ana flashes a thumbs up to the kobold after she concludes a particularly cool trick.


The kobold flashes her a grin, and proceeds to try to top it.


After another half hour, she brings them in for a landing. "D'you think Satele's done yet?"


"Um, what time... Yeah. Probably."


"Cool." She starts taking off her jetpack. "Let's go tell her the news."


Ana takes off hers as well, and offers her hand to the kobold when they've been returned.


Satele is in her room, but not meditating. She looks up from her datapad when the two approach.


The kobold bows, grinning. "I'm back, it went well. They agreed to meet with you."


"That is fortunate, this may indeed turn out well. We must still take all precautions, of course."


"Absolutely; I've already been thinking about that." She describes her plan - custom meeting space on a different planet in the uninhabited universe, made by her (for diplomatic reasons; it's a clear way to show neutrality) and thoroughly enspelled to send everyone home if anyone uses the force or activates a lightsaber ("I think that'll be just as safe as trying to get them to leave theirs behind, and starts you from a better position by asking for fewer concessions, but I can ask them to leave it if you'd rather"); custom teleporting of the Sith to make sure she's not carrying anything unexpected; poison sniffers plus a poison-denaturing nanoswarm borrowed from Bar (she brought the manual for it); possibly enspell Satele with the defensive spells the kobold has that trigger based on physical or mental state - injury, pain, fear, startlement, wanting-to-go-home - in either a temporary or permanent-but-toggleable form; route Satele through Milliways' infirmary to be checked for poisons or other delayed problems before bringing her back to the Academy. And of course, anything else Satele would like to suggest.

"We also did some research on them, Bar was able to find some things. But they asked me not to tell you some things about them, including their name, and I'll kind of have to in order to share that, so I'm not sure whether you'd rather know or not. I can tell you about almost everything I saw and heard while I was with them personally, though."


Satele nods along to the kobold's explanation of what has already been planned. She examines the manual for the nanoswarm briefly, and decides that is likely to be more effective than similar technology the Republic has. The defensive spells are a good idea, though Satele would prefer to have only the temporary version.

"You don't need to break your promise, I already know their name and title. What sort of information-gathering capabilities does Bar have?"

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