Lurker visits The Old Republic
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"Bar has everything that's ever been published in a nonmagical format. Some things don't count as published - they might not have holocrons even if they weren't magic - but it's still a lot."


"What defines published? Are classified intelligence reports 'published' as far as Bar is concerned?"


"I don't know, exactly, but I've never seen a classified report, and I'd expect to have if they were. We can go ask, if you'd like." Hand?


And Ana as well. Milliways!

"Hullo, Bar. This is Satele, who I've told you about; they have a question for you."

Welcome to Milliways, Master Satele. How can I help you today?


"Hello Bar. I was hoping we could determine the limits of your ability to conjure published materials. Can you produce a copy of the latest SIS dossier on the members of the Dark Council?"


In general I only have access to things that some significant portion of the public does, reads the resulting napkin, and that isn't among them.


"I see. I believe that answers my query then. Thank you."





"As Bar cannot produce SIS reports, I believe the information I have on Darth Occlus is more complete than what you possess. I think the preparations you have outlined will serve to ensure safety. All the rituals of which I am aware require either an object of power or an expenditure of Force energy to complete, there should be minimal risk on that front."


Nod. "All right. Is there anything I should be prioritizing over that, besides the magic class?"


"Not as far as the Order is concerned. Thank you for your efforts in bringing about a peaceful resolution to this conflict."


The kobold grins, and bows, just a bit. "There is one other thing I wanted to tell you - Ana and I finished testing the prototype exiling spell yesterday, and it might be useful to enspell a few Jedi with it, to help them capture a Sith for me to look at."


"Ah, excellent. The construction droids have finished aobut half the work, there should be a suitable place to contain a Sith for a few days now. If you take us to where you opened the portals, we can find a spot to make the initial destination."


The kobold nods, and teleports them to the construction site.


The construction site resembles more of an empty town, at least in the immediate area. A solid permacrete foundation has hidden the swampy land, the buildings are two and three stories tall, utilitarian but not ugly. There are broad walking paths between buildings, and wide courtyards where four buildings face each other. Satele takes a moment to orient herself, then sets off to the closest three-story structure.


The kobold follows.


The inside of the building is fully furnished, along the lines of what the kobold has seen around the Jedi temple on Tython. Spare, but elegant. There is a large conference room taking up about a third of the space on the first floor. Satele indicates it with a gesture.

"This room should serve, at least temporarily. If you will also make a portal from the temple to here, we can ensure there will be Jedi here to greet our guest and contain the damage."


The kobold nods, trances for a moment, disappears, reappears after another moment, applies a piece of painter's tape to the wall outside the door to the conference room, and then trances again.

"I've added a spell to the floor in there, so that anyone inside will be teleported to the other side of the world if the tape is touched, just in case. I can find them again when we're ready to send them back here, if it's used." She considers for a few moments. "I can put a temporary automatic spell just outside the building, too, to the same place; the Jedi who come here will need a way to teleport back from here, but that's not hard to do."


"Yes, that would work, thank you. We have a team deploying to the Mid Rim tonight that is likely to encounter Sith, once you've finished here I can take you to meet them before they leave."


The kobold nods, and goes to cast the spell; she's back within a couple minutes. "Done," hand.



The team is currently training in one of the gym rooms. Satele leads them there.


Ana recognizes a few of them. She waves.

"Hey guys! How do you feel about field-testing our new combat teleport spell?"


The six exercising Jedi stop and gather over near the three new arrivals. How they feel about testing the spell is: positively! Can the kobold explain the details?


This spell will be temporary and intent-based, which the final one hopefully won't be. How it works is that they intend to teleport whoever they're about to touch - lightsabers count - and then do so, and the spell will teleport them when they do, without harming them even if they're touching the target with their lightsaber. Touching a Sith's lightsaber with their own will probably work, but that hasn't been tested yet, so don't assume it. She can add an optional visual effect when the spell activates and deactivates, styled however they'd like it; she has an okay handle on human vision but might need to do some testing first for other species. The spell will only work temporarily - the final version will be permanent - but they'll be permanently visible to anyone who can detect her kind of magic as being a spellbearer. Okay?

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