Lurker visits The Old Republic
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"A couple reasons." Nom. "One is that I am still trying to decide whether to teach you the teleportation, and seeing how you handle that will help. The other is, I'm not sure when we'll have this opportunity again, and I think at least some of you can figure out how to do magic-vision on glasses in the next while."


Oh. Okay. Let's... just move on from that first bit.

"And the magic vision can see a difference between a Jedi and a Sith?"


"Probably. I'm going to go myself and find out, first. But it'll help if you all have practice with the magic-sensing form, so we should start with that now."



Nom nom nom class time?


Class time!

She keeps it simple: One of the goals of teaching them her magic is to have people other than her who'll be able to cast the exiling spell; this requires being able to differentiate Sith from Jedi if that's possible; there will probably be a Sith for them to observe, soon; she'd like to see if they can get enough of a feel for the magic detection form to be able to cast something that uses it, so they can take advantage of the opportunity.



Mostly surprise, that the spell is ready so soon. No one exhibits particular nervousness about possibly being in close proximity to a Sith.



She gives an overview of how the exiling spell will work, and then talks about what she already knows about the magic-detection form and the Force, and sets them to attempting to make twigs that will glow when they hold them but not when she does.


This is much harder than making the twig simply glow! It takes a while.


She's patient. They'll get it eventually.


The horned Zabrak has the first success. The group congratulates him, and he attempts to explain what he was doing. The Twi'lek gets it next, but no one else quite manages it before time is up for the day.


She congratulates them as well, and lets everyone know that she'll be away for the afternoon but can check any attempts they might make during the rest of the day tomorrow if they'd like, and then gives them a portal home.


"So I talked with Master Satele, she gave me a credit chit that should cover your furniture needs. Shall we go talk with Bar?"


"Sure," she grins, and offers her hand.

Milliways is medium-crowded, and the fireplace has been replaced with a fire pit encircled by comfy padded benches.


"I didn't realize the inside could change like this."


"Yeah," grins the kobold, "it changes less often than the backyard, but it's not too uncommon. Want to go sit over there?"


"Sounds good."

Ana moseys in the indicated direction.


The kobold orders lunch for the both of them, and talks Bar into giving her a catalogue of possible furniture options, and takes everything over to where Ana is sitting. "So, one decision I still haven't made yet is whether to give them both the same kind of chair or whether to go with one Jedi-styled one and one Sith-styled one. I was kind of planning on the latter, before, but that was mostly to help hide that they wouldn't be exactly the same anyway."


"I think the last thing you want to do is remind them of their differences. Same style, something completely foreign to us all."


"On the other hand it's sometimes useful to show people that you respect them for what they are - maybe I should ask Satele a bit more about what their plans are." But she flips to the 'chairs that are neither Sith nor Jedi styled' section, anyway, and starts looking.

"That one looks cool," she says of a vaguely thronelike chair of creamy light grey marble (a common theme; that's the kind of stone she's making the place out of) with a soft blue cushion that goes partway up the back and arms to mimic the chairs in the Jedi council chamber and black accents with light red gems set into them on the feet and arms and upper corners. "Probably worse than just giving them their own chairs, though, it kind of makes a statement."


"I'm not sure combining styles is the right sort of statement..."


"Yeah. That's absolutely the right chair for some kind of meeting, just not this one." She keeps looking.

"hmmmm..." this time she's stopped on a lower-sitting, more abstract chair that doesn't match either faction's aesthetic in style, but is made of a much darker grey marble with a tan cushion. "I don't think that quite works, but there's something about it I like."


"Yeah, that's much closer to the sort of thing you're aiming for, I think. Is there an index we can cross-reference or something?"


"Not exactly." She peers at the picture. "I think, that basic shape, but raise the seat to normal human chair height... keep the arms and back shaped the way they are, but do that fabric for that whole part, down to the level of the cushion?" She makes a twineportal and retrieves a picture of the described chair. "Closer. raise the back just a little and I think that'll do it." She pulls another picture from the portal and shows it to Ana. "What do you think?"


Ana smiles.

"That's good, I like it!"


This gets a grin. "So I think that means we need something with that darker marble for the table..." she returns the catalogue to Bar via the portal and gets a slimmer one in return, from which she quickly picks an oval table with a stripe of tan fabric running around the edge and down the pedestal in the middle. "Seems straightforward enough, I think."

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