Lurker visits The Old Republic
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"Hm, okay." Trance, flash?


"That's just about right."


"Great." Grin. "Now for the actual spell. I'm going to make it so it stops working after an hour anyway, but in the meantime it can use either wanting-based triggers - that's usually better for something that will be on a lot of the time and also off a lot of the time, that the spellbearer will want to leave in either state without having to think about it - or intending-based triggers, which are usually better for something where it should be in one state or the other almost all the time, but might need to be switched to the other state without specifically thinking about it. They're almost the same to cast, and I'll talk you through what I'm doing for either one; which would you like?"


"If the spell will only teleport someone recognized as Sith, than the wanting one would be good. Otherwise I think the intending one."


Nod. "This one will teleport whatever living thing you touch, and it's only going to teleport them to one of the pit traps I set up this morning, but intention-based is reasonable."

She begins casting, and as promised talks Ana through the whole process as she goes. The first step is to see what 'intending to teleport this creature' looks like, which requires asking Ana to imagine doing it. Then, the observed pattern is set up in a certain way so that the teleportation portion of the spell is only active when it's present, and stops as soon as it stops. The time pattern is used to add a second deactivation trigger; it's possible to work out what 'an hour from now' will look like from how the time-pattern is changing, and she arranges that appropriately. Next, the teleportation portion of the spell is set up, so that when the spell is active, any creature (a pattern the kobold has already memorized) who touches her (another memorized pattern, generalized in a specific way) is teleported to a specific (memorized) location-pattern.

The notification flashes are actually two separate spells in addition to that; one uses the beginning of the same intention thought-pattern as its trigger, and the other uses the end of it, and they're both also set to permanently deactivate after an hour.

She's through casting just as soon as she's done talking, and now they can go check the pit traps for animal volunteers.


Ana pays close attention to how the kobold sets up the triggers and the way the different parts of the spell interact.

What sorts of creatures have turned up?


Alien ones, of course.

The creature in the first pit they check is along the design of a boar. The kobold peers dubiously at it.


"Yeah, maybe let this one go."


Yeah. The kobold teleports it out of the pit and away from them.

The next creature they find is more deerlike. Or perhaps horselike? Somewhere between the two, mostly, with a longer neck than either, but anyway pretty obviously herbivorous.


"This one ought to be safe. Let's try it."


The kobold nods. "All right, I'll bring it up. Say when," and she moves behind Ana and well back.


Ana pulls out her saber and flicks it on.



The critter appears in front of Ana, and doesn't immediately start running, disoriented as it is.


Ana is intending to teleport this creature when she touches it with her saber. She aims to strike a glancing blow, just in case this doesn't work. She swings overhand, bringing the blade high before it descends to kiss the creature's flank. The hairs of its coat sizzles as they vaporize-




"It worked!"


"Yup!" she offers Ana her hand. "Now we just need to make sure nothing extra happened to it."


"Okay." Hand.


And here is a different pit in a different part of the forest. The creature is at the bottom of it.


It is unharmed but startled. There is a small patch of singed fur on one flank.


"Looks good," the kobold grins, and trances for a moment. "Not hurt at all."


"That's good. I would have felt bad."


The kobold nods with a sympathetic grin and teleports the animal up out of the pit; it runs off into the forest.

"That's all I had planned for today, aside from maybe telling Satele about the results here. Do you have any ideas for the rest of the afternoon?"


"We could explore the outside of Milliways."


"Sure!" Hand.

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