Lurker visits The Old Republic
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"Sure, see you then."

Hm, Is there time to go find Satele? Does she want to, at this point? She definitely wants a plan in place for talking to potentially-tigerfolk Sith before she distributes the spell she has in mind, which says (according to her cultural norms, anyway) that she shouldn't mention the latter until the former is basically settled, and she's still not really sure how to talk about that with anyone but Ana. She can probably bring it up in the context of communication between here and the Sith's world in general, though, which she really should bring up sooner rather than later. So. Satele: findable?


She is in the same place doing much the same thing she was the last time the kobold found her.


The kobold continues to be disinclined to interrupt people, and actually stepping into the room appears to count even if she doesn't otherwise request attention. Waiting outside probably isn't too weird, right?


Satele opens her eyes.

"Would it help you if I gave explicit permission to disrupt me when my door is open and you have something you wish to discuss?"


"Not really," she grins slightly and inclines her head respectfully. "Interrupting people is rude in my culture, and I'd rather not get in the habit even if that's not true here."


"As you wish. Now, what have you come to talk about?"


"I was thinking about how the new planet is going to be set up, earlier, and there's a few things that I think need to be included that we'll need to work together on - mostly what happens when someone first appears there; they shouldn't be appearing in the middle of everyone, and they should have a chance to get their bearings and choose when to go out into the world - within reason, anyway, I can make a spell that'll teleport them to an empty patch if they wait too many days. That'll also make it easier to send someone to pick up anyone who gets sent there by accident, if new arivals are separate from everyone else. And there should probably be a way to communicate between here and there, if we can put together a safe one."


"Separating the new arrivals is a good idea. If you can make a new portal to another place on that world, the construction droids can build a suitable structure. A very small portal in that area should suffice to pass our signals through."


She nods, "I can do that. The other thing is... you were curious, before, about who I learned about this world from; I'm ready to tell you, now, if you don't mind going someplace more private."


Satele stands.

"Very well."


The kobold offers Satele her hand, and then they're in her workshop; she takes a cushion from the pile and sits.


Satele does the same, and waits for the kobold to speak. Her expression is calm and promises understanding.


Deep breath, kobold, get your words in order, needing to pause for thought could botch the whole thing here. (Probably not, Satele's Satele, but it's not the kind of risk one takes while Speaking; better not to Speak at all than to Speak poorly for someone, given the choice.)

"So, the person I met was a Sith," half a beat pause, just enough to let that sink in, not enough to invite a response, "but I think they were a very unusual one; how they acted toward me didn't match at all with what I've read and heard about Sith. The most unusual thing was that they didn't attack me or even argue when I wouldn't teach them my magic - they asked, first thing, and offered to pay me whatever I wanted, and answered my questions about why they wanted it calmly and as far as I could tell truthfully, and they were disappointed when the answer was no, and that was that. They only used the force on me with my permission, and didn't mind explaining what they were doing beforehand, and didn't lie about it that I could tell. They didn't ask me to cast any spells that could be used as weapons, even though I'm sure it was pretty obvious that I didn't know enough to know that I should refuse to. Their people seemed - okay, well taken care of; intimidated, but I've been around people who thought their lives were in danger and it wasn't like that there. I'm not really sure what to make of it, but I think they might be an exception to the idea that all the Sith need to be exiled, and I'd like to at least try to find out."


Satele takes this news calmly.

"Do you know the name of this Sith?"


"I don't; I don't make a habit of asking."


"I ask because it is possible I have heard of them before, though I cannot immediately call to mind any who would fit such a description. Do you have a means of contacting them? I would be interested in speaking with them."


"I know where they're likely to be; I could send a message. You should have defensive spells before you talk to them in person, if they agree to that; they're definitely violent with Jedi, and - how did Ana put it - 'stronger than probably half the council put together'. We ran into them, in Milliways yesterday; Ana handled themself very well."


"I see. I believe I know the one of whom you speak. She has been something of a riddle to the Council for some time now. Caution is most definitely in order, but if you can convince her to speak with us, I believe that something worthwhile will come of it."


The kobold grins and nods. "Part of the problem is that they think you object to their existence. I can tell them that that's not true, but it might be useful for me to have an example or two, and I don't trust them to keep the exile plan a secret."


"It is... not unreasonable that she holds that belief."


Nod. "Well, I can try, anyway."


"I do not mean to dissuade you from your course. But in the heat of battle it is not always possible for the members of our Order to hold to its highest ideals. She was present for some of the worst fighting in the beginning of this renewed war, and her appearance on the field was cause for dismay. Fortunately, in more recent times she has seldom ventured forth from Dromund Kaas."


The kobold nods. "It might work best for me to spend a few days with them, to find a good chance to talk about this. I'll wait until my mage class is ready to work on their own for a little while, which should be in a few days. ...I won't be able to figure out if I can tell the difference between Sith and Jedi from watching them, their force signature is too unusual, but as soon as I've got that worked out I'll be able to start enspelling people with an exiling spell; I'm really happy with how that's going to work."


"If you think that safe. You have already survived her company, so I will trust your judgement in the matter. I would be interested to hear how you've worked out the exiling spell."


"My magic counts your lightsabers as part of your bodies, basically," she grins, a bit mischeviously, "so if I cast a spell on one of you that any Sith they touch is teleported, touching them with the lightsaber will count. And if Sith think of their lightsabers the same way, touching their lightsaber with yours will count, too. Hopefully it will take a while for them to figure it out and switch to ranged tactics."

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