Lurker visits The Old Republic
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Ana is appreciative of the sampler! It's a good thing the portions are small, because she is determined to try everything.


Partway through the meal, the kobold attempts to steal one of something that there are two of from Ana's plate. This probably fails before it even begins, what with the kobold's amusement at the idea.


Ana mock-growls when the kobold reaches over, then sighs in a long-suffering manner and hands one over.


...or not. She gets as far as the growl and the kobold retreats immediately, reflexively, and then blinks, startled at the situation.


Oh no!

"I'm sorry!"


It takes a second for the kobold to get her wits together enough to talk. "It's okay - I shouldn't have - I've never heard a human growl before, I didn't know you could do that."


"We can, um, make quite a range of sounds. I'm really sorry!"

Pat pat?


After a moment: lean.

"It's okay, just a reflex. A kobold wouldn't growl there, and a tigerperson wouldn't growl in play, at least not at me."


Pat pat. Pat pat.

"I won't do it again."



"I'll be okay if you do, I think. I was just startled."

She moves a shish kebab from her own plate to Ana's, because logic aside she still feels like she trespassed and needs to make right.


Ana moves one of the squishy things the kobold tried to take and one of the small turnovers to the kobold's plate.


This gets a grin, and the kobold goes back to eating, still leaning on Ana a bit.


Nom nom. Pat pat.


Nom lean nom.

Also, karaoke-watching.

"...I bet you could go sing, if you want."


"Is that how that works? People just get up and go sing?"


"Looks like. I think that machine has the words on it, see how they're watching it?"


"Um. I'm not very good at singing."


"Okay." Lean.

Eventually they're done eating. "Do you want to see anything else while we're here?"


"Is there more to see?"


Nod. "Sure. There's a forest and a lake and caves in the backyard, space is kind of weird there but we could go explore or swim or whatever, or we could go talk to Bar, or get a movie or something - Bar has everything that's ever been published - or we could go look at the magic stuff I've collected - I never did finish sorting it out after the last visit, but most of the dangerous stuff is put away anyway. Or look for someone interesting to talk to, that's always an option."


Ana checks the time.

"Hm. Not really enough to go exploring. Can you show me some of your stuff?"


"Sure," grin. Hand, room.

The kobold offers a quick tour of the collection. The largest portion is mobility magic; things that would let her fly or walk on water or safely scale a vertical cliff or breathe underwater or so on. Another section is dedicated to dispelling magic - "if I go home with a strange spell on me the other mage will assume I'm hexed and have me exiled," she explains, "so it's important for me to have a way to avoid that. I haven't needed to use any of them yet, though" - and a third to miscellaneous utility things, ranging from metal discs that can be burned to anesthetize someone's pain ("don't ask me, I didn't design them") to what amounts to a magical video camera. There are a handful items that are directly defense-oriented, and only two weapons, a spear that's icy-cold to the touch and a sling that's blessed to grant its wielder better accuracy.


"You've got some neat stuff here. How long did it take to get so much?"


"About three years? That's how long it's been at home, anyway; there aren't really seasons here and the time pausing makes it hard to keep track."


"Wow. Do you miss your home?"

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