Lurker visits The Old Republic
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They all seem fairly relaxed. The center of the group is an older man, with green skin and diamond-shaped tattoos beneath his eyes. To his right sit two younger men, one human and one with small horns growing in a circle around the top of his head. They're laughing at something just said by the last person, a blue Twi'lek woman. She is smiling, and the tips of her head-tails flick back and forth slightly.


Looks good.

She approaches the group and greets them with a grin. "Hello! I understand you're the ones who've been chosen to learn my magic?"


The group looks up at her approach, and stands as she gets close.

"Ah, the kobold," says the older man. "Yes, that's us."


She nods, "it's good to meet you," and leads the group to the nearest wall to make a temporary portal to her workshop.

On the other side, the cave is tidy; the sand has been spread out neatly on the floor and the cushions are stacked against one wall. A shelf against the far wall holds a few books and a basket full of twigs. The living quarters side of the cave is empty aside from a pile of blankets and pillows that can probably be assumed to be the kobold's bed.

When everyone is settled, she starts. "My plan for today is to give you all the special sense that my magic is based on, and let you practice it; this part is safe, and we can talk about what you need to know to learn the next parts safely more easily once you've got more of an idea of what I'll be talking about. But before we get started, do any of you have any questions for me?"


"Are there any drawbacks or dangers to this magic that the Council would not have told us about?"


"None that I expect you to be surprised by. The learning process is dangerous, I expect you've been told; what I mean by that is that if you miscast a spell and don't break it during the three-day destabilization period, when it finally breaks on its own you'll die. It isn't hard to avoid that, so long as you're using spell forms that won't do anything too dangerous when they turn unstable - which is why we're not starting with teleportation - but you'll need to be careful not to lose anything you've cast on until you can cast reliably. Aside from that, casting itself isn't dangerous. The spells you cast can be; it'll usually be pretty obvious when you're doing something that's risky if you're using a familiar spell, but if you're designing a new spell, there is a chance that it won't do what you're expecting, if you make a mistake in your design."

"Using the sense I'm going to give you today involves going into a kind of trance, where you experience it instead of your usual ones, which will make you vulnerable. You're not generally going to want to cast in a dangerous situation anyway - almost anything you could cast in that situation, you can cast ahead of time and trigger when you want it, which is faster - but it is a limitation."

"I don't know whether there will be any social drawbacks; in my world they can be significant, but you're starting with a clean slate here. You will be visible to other mages - or to other people who have a magic-seeing spell, if you decide to give that to non-mages - as spellbearers, once you cast on yourselves the first time, but I expect that there will be enough of those around that you won't stand out for it."


The Jedi listen seriously to her expostion. No further questions on that subject are raised.

"How do we go about entering this trance, then?" asks the Twi'lek.


This gets a grin. "It's passed on by touch - there's a kind of minor involuntary telepathy involved, and it's very intuitive once you've got it. This does mean you need to be careful trancing around others." She stands as she's talking and walks over to the one who spoke to offer her hand.


The Twi'lek takes it, and closes her eyes when she follows the kobold into the trance. After a brief moment, she comes out of it.

"Oh, I see what you mean."


The kobold grins and nods, and moves through the rest of the group, distributing the ability.


The Jedi will practice for a while. It doesn't take too long for them all to master the basics of interpreting their bodies and start experimenting with stretching their awareness in different ways.


That's what today is for, yep. The kobold does encourage them to focus more on interpreting the patterns than on playing with field shapes; both are useful skills, but the former is more necessary for casting than the latter.


The Jedi will shift focus in response to the kobold's instructions.


She has some example things for them to look at, too. Just their surroundings are fairly interesting - distinguishing cushion from sand from stone isn't very hard but isn't quite trivial either, and each of those substances reacts slightly differently to being touched or tapped or having noise made near it. She'll distribute sticks to anyone who seems to be getting bored - they're freshly gathered this morning, so they're still slightly alive, and it's possible to sense their metabolism in addition to the sensations from touching, tapping, speaking to, or gently bending them - and make herself available if anyone mentions wanting to sense another person. As it approaches lunchtime, she gets the group's attention and switches the overhead portals from showing local daytime to night, then a sunset, then day on another planet; being able to sense environmental conditions is a particularly useful skill, with the teleportation, and this is an easy first thing to learn to look for - they can get into weather and gravity and such later.


The twig makes an interesting example. It's not alive enough to have a Force presence, but they can still see it living through the mage-sense. Each will spend some time with that. They pick up how on sensing other people quite readily, their experience with the Force gives them something of a guideline for that.

By the time lunchtime proper has arrived, the group is comfortable with recognizing time-of-day in the mage-sense.


And with figuring out how to find the patterns they want in the sense in general, hopefully.

The kobold asks how often and on what schedule they'd prefer to meet, and then when that's settled, she makes a temporary portal back to the courtyard for them.


Once a day at about the same time as this morning works for the Jedi. They each thank her for the lesson before they leave.


"That was fun! I think I'm getting better at telling what the different patterns mean."


Grin. "The next bit is the fun part, you get to start moving them around."


"Can't wait. There's still a couple hours before I have to get ready for the tournament. Lunch?"


"Yup! Back to the cafeteria, or Milliways?"


"Let's give Milliways another shot."

Hopefully that scary Sith lady won't show up this time.


Nod, hand, Milliways. that karaoke?


It may be. Ana has no idea what karaoke is, and will therefore be mostly unhelpful in answering this question unless the kobold shares more information.


Lunch first. The kobold orders a 'something from home' for herself and an 'interdimensional sampler platter, go nuts' for Ana.

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