Lurker visits The Old Republic
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Yay Milliways! Hand!


And here they are in the empty area between the bar and the lake.

"There's caves in the mountains," she points, "or we could go have a hike through the forest. Or we could swim, or we could go get jetpacks or something from Bar and go for a fly." Here is the grin of a kobold who is pretty sure she already knows the answer to this question.


"Oooh. I've never actually gotten to use a jetpack. Let's do that one!"


Hee, yup. The kobold heads inside. "Do you have any ideas about what you'd like in a jetpack? Bar has a bunch of kinds."


"Not really? Like, easy to use, I guess."


"Sure," she nods, and heads over to Bar to make the request - two jetpacks from the line she likes; one human scale training model and one kobold scale observer model.

The machinery itself is a sleek steel grey with sky blue accents, styled a bit like a hang glider but without nearly enough wing area to hold a human aloft, and instead powered by a series of small engines. Ana's has simple hand controls - forward/ backward, up/down, turn left/right, and a panic button to engage a simple autopilot that will take over and land her safely; the kobold's controls seem to be arranged similarly, but more complex.



Ana takes hers outside and figues out how to get it harnessed properly without much trouble.


The kobold follows and shimmies into her jetpack with practiced ease. By the time Ana is done, the kobold is hovering just far enough off the ground to be at eye height to her, grinning.


"Hey you! I'm guessing the button marked 'up' takes me up?"


"Yup!" She waits for Ana to take off before going any higher.


Ana takes off. She'll follow the kobold through some simple maneuvers while she's getting the hang of the controls.


The kobold guides them up and through a circle over the lake, keeping things nice and slow. When it seems like Ana has the controls down, she pulls into a hover and waits to see where Ana would like to go from here.


Ana wants to go check out those mountains! Plus do swirly flying things along the way. How far can she push these controls with Force-boosted reflexes?


Decently far! Her control isn't as good as the kobold's, who has more rockets to use on top of the extra practice, but it's still entirely possible to pull off some aerobatics.

The kobold answers with a few spins and loops of her own.



Now they're coming up on the mountains. Ana descends a bit and follows the curves of the land more closely.


The kobold follows.

The topography rarely stays the same from one visit to the next here, but she's been practicing spotting caves from the air - there's one! She circles tightly around it and waits for Ana to notice.


Ana heads over to see what the kobold has found. Her jetpack doesn't seem to have a "hover" setting, so she touches down.


The kobold lands too. "Did you want to explore, or fly more?"


"Exploring is fun too!"


She grins, and heads into the cave. "This might be a good time to practice with your mage-sense, if you can't see anyway and aren't used to navigating by sound. I'll stop you if you're going to walk into anything dangerous."


Ana follows her in and pauses once she's inside to activate the mage-vision. Okay, floor of the cave beneath her feet looks like this, when she steps forward it changes like so. Okay. Slow and steady. She can do this.

Step. Step. Step whoops there goes the trance. Get the focus back, and start walking again.


The kobold sticks close. To start with, there isn't much of interest, but the entry tunnel slopes down and opens into a mid-sized cavern with a rougher floor and stalagmites.


Ana notices the change in the texture of the floor, and can "see" the stalagmites well enough to not walk into any.


Good! The kobold sticks slightly less close, and pays a bit more attention to their less immediate surroundings.

Exit's this way, has Ana gotten enough of the hang of it to follow, yet?


She loses the mage-sight once more, then is able to keep it up while walking.

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