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In Which Korvosans Rally & The Dead Envy The Living
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Unrelatedly, I need like four more Rings of Mind Shielding.

Can we buy those through your Bag, Zey? 





If you tell me who all to cast it on, I can do communal nondetection as a stopgap!









The Peerage Review will now consider Sabina Merrin for Field Marshal.

The considered opinion of House Ornelos is 'no, of course not, because that would be unfathomably stupid.' 


And besides, she'll be too busy with her new job as an Arbiter -


Gods of the Pit, Lord Ornelos, what is your problem with me??


What did I ever do to you??

We've barely spoken!

You could have, I don't know, brought me a fruit basket and asked me to subsidize repairs on the Acadamae!

The world is ending and this is how you spend your time?




Because you are the absolute worst kind of person, and Korvosa is my city.


The - the absolute worst?


Those are harsh words for someone within an alignment step of you - if not the same alignment!


Pharasma judges mortal souls based on the axes of Good, Evil, Law, and Chaos, but while he acknowledge Her Judgement, it is not Toff's native schema.

He strongly feels that it fails to capture the most important virtues and vices.


If it were His place to Judge mortal souls, He would judge them:


            helpless  |    intelligent

witless -------------|----------------- capable

            stupid     |     bandit



One's class as Helpless, Intelligent, Bandit, or Stupid, he finds, has fairly little correlation with one's Pharasma-judged Alignment; nor one's Cunning or Wisdom as measured by detect thoughts and anxieties; nor with one's temperament as a Phlegmatic, Sanguine, Choleric, or Melancholic; nor any other way in which people differ. 

Nonetheless, it is in his opinion the most important trait or characteristic of any thinking thing.

The Helpless are those who benefit others at their own expense. The Church of Sarenrae is archetypally Helpless. Most diabolists are Helpless. His students which are not Stupid are largely Helpless. Cressida Kroft leans Helpless.

The Intelligent benefit from and benefit others. Their gain is another's gain. The Church of Abadar strives to be Intelligent, although most Abadarans fail to attain it. Cressida Kroft is Intelligent. Ornher Reebs leans Intelligent. Most people, however, are not Intelligent.

The Bandit benefit at others' expense. The archetypal bandit is someone unscrupulous with an Evil alignment. Bandit is the second best quadrant to be in and the third best quadrant to work with. Some rare Lawful Evils are Bandit to the Helpless and Intelligent to the Intelligent, which is why Toff works with devils and no other fiends.

The Stupid cost others to their own detriment. The great majority of people are Stupid. Evil aims at Banditry and attains Stupidity. Good aims at Helplessness and attains Stupidity. Iomedae is the LG goddess of Banditry, but most of Her followers are Helpless or Stupid or both. Toff Ornelos cannot make an inclusive list of Stupid people, because the First Law of Stupidity reads "Always and inevitably everyone underestimates the number of stupid individuals in circulation"[1], but it's safe to say that if you don't know for sure your quadrant it's probably that you're Stupid.


1. The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity, Carlo M. Cipola[2]

2. From whom I lifted this sorting scheme entire.


Queen Domina was Intelligent. You can work with the Intelligent.

Her son Eodred a Bandit. You can work with Bandits. 

You can't work with Stupids. Not if you want to, not if they want to.

That's what makes them Stupid

If Toff Ornelos were made the Judge of mortal souls, he'd send the Intelligent to Axis, the Helpless to Nirvana, the Bandit to Elysium, and the Stupid all to Hell.


What did I do that convinced you I couldn't be dealt with?


Do... do I have to make a list??

You demoted the most benign and capable person in Korvosa when you could least afford to lose her, appropriated properties to appease peasants a better Queen wouldn't have ruffled and could soothe with words, invited Togomor into your home,


This is my house.


and tried, in panic, to appoint him as an Arbiter of Korvosa. 

And that's just what I've found out about so far!

But you can be dealt with, Ileosa, and I am currently dealing with you.


In a low and dangerous voice, Glorio Arkona asks why the first words out of Toff Ornelos's mouth when he teleported onto the deck of the Reprieve II weren't "by the way, Glor, the world is ending."

It seems more fucking important than his beef with the Queen.

And among other things, Glorio would have liked to tell the others on his boat.


I am busy, because unlike you I can actually do something about the world's greater problems, and I saw no need to lecture you at length. 

It frankly wasn't worth my time to fill you in on the details, since the only thing I really need from you is the Wescrani removed.

Once I've undone everything that happened in Korvosa without me, I can move forward unhobbled -


Glorio Arkona rises from his lotus position in one violent motion,


- as if he teleported upright -


- he's more dangerous than Melyia -

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