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In Which Korvosans Rally & The Dead Envy The Living
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They are spoiling for a fight.

Positively itching for a fight.

And now - what joy! how dare! such egosyntonic anger! - there is a fight.


Glorio Arkona is... terrifying, actually, but one member of Group Red is nearby and going to try and pull him down off the table anyway.


My CMD is basically "Yes," and as for my bonus to hit - Attack of Opportunity says 1d20+25 = 26.

but a natural one, alas, always misses.


Oh! Let me go grab the Critical Fumble Deck!




Okay, okay.



Another of Group Red is near enough and brave enough to tackle Lord Arkona, especially considering that he's already distracted - and this one rolled 18 on the twenty-sided die! Plus two or three or something.


Combat Maneuver Defense is the answer to life, the universe, and everything. 

Not Combat Maneuver Defense in general, I mean mine in particular (which is 42).

Well, Combat Maneuver Defense, and also Combat Reflexes. 1d20+25... = 27?

So far this fight I've rolled a 1, a 2 and a 3, you can't make this up.


Twenty-seven will hit.


Take 1d4+4 = 8 nonlethal damage from an unarmed strike. 

I've rolled one, two, three, and four.


Even maximum damage won't OH-KO him, since he's a (flips a coin and rolls a die) second level warrior.

(And far from the nastiest unnamed Korvosan in Group Red, although neither is he the weakest.)


If Glorio has a +4 Strength modifier and +25 to hit... no, that'd make no sense, he'd need 21 BAB.

He swings with Dex and is probably getting a damage bonus somewhere.


All of that would have happened behind the GM screen, you don't know about it.


Fair enough.


As for the rest of Group Red:

One grabs a magnificent potted fern and flings it at the fleeing Whore-Queen of Korvosa, because when's the next time he'll get the chance and someone who's running away can't hit you back.

One gets in the Caydenite's turtle-loving face with a sword drawn and an action readied and asks him if he wants to finish what they began in the hopes that the other guy will start it.


...Does that mean that if I don't attack him he'll have wasted his turn?


He's insulting you and your god and he keeps jerking his whole arm like he's going to slash you.

It's intense, and everything in you screams to fold else fight back.


19 WIS goes brrrrrrrrrr

On my turn I'll do whatever makes the most sense for my character.


Quietly, two from Group Red walk out the door, because. Spells are being cast.

They had the same cowardly idea at the same time and one of them is going to have to step to the side for the other one to leave first and they meet eyes and both of them are mortified but hey. It's our little secret.

The last of Group Red delays initiative.


Lyvina: 1d20-2 = 18

Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 2nd, concentration +7)

1st - color spray (DC 16), grease (DC 17), mount, summon minor monster, open slot

cantrips - acid splash, detect magic, message, prestidigitation

Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 1st, concentration +6)

1st - magic weapon (x2), protection from evil (already cast), open slot

orisons - guidance, virtue, stabilize

As a wizard she's supposed to delight in having rolled 20 for initiative, but. 

It's not clear right now who the threats are, or even who is on which side, or which side it is she's on, or where her allies are -


Under the table.


- she could put a grease in front of Queen Ileosa but people would walk around it and she could ready an action to cast grease to catch people when they're charging if they're charging but if no one does that or if someone pathetically low level does it she wasted her whole turn and her spell and then she doesn't have it later to help Altronus get Sneak Attacks or cover a retreat although she does have mount and summon monster for those because she can cast them with standard actions thanks to her Acadamae education, hm, the play is either to ready grease or use her Ecclessitheurge Blessing of the Faithful ability or delay her turn while the situation develops she's going to do that last one and she'll delay quickly so the GM doesn't have to break out an egg timer.


Harmanuel Kendall: 1d20+1 = 16

The guy who just threw a potted plant at the Queen is a relation to guy who called him a cultist.

Kendall grabs the fern-thrower, which will prevent them from throwing more ferns, which is perfectly justifiable as a thing to do, but which will predictably lead to fern-thrower punching him, which will let Kendall hit back and he has 15 Strength and Power Attack. The analysis, rapid and wordless, continues: if Harmanuel Kendall makes the relative yelp it'll bring the guy who falsely accused him into the fight - which is just what he is hoping for. 


Dean of Abjuration, Julaei Cangi: 1d20-2 = 16

Worry and pity. Young men are ridiculous.

She'd hope that Glorio manages at least, before the wizard turns him inside out, to teach Toff to be kinder with people who might kick you in the head.

But as the Headmaster hasn't learned that lesson yet, she doubts he ever will.

Old men are ridiculous too.

Greater invisibility.


Glorio: 1d20+11 = 14

You empty imper fucking chel I'll take a knife and sign my work so them devils know who sent'cha you fucking Stupid motherfucker would it have cost a copper pinch t'treat with me like equals? I'll show you hospitality and I'll serve it piping hot I'll school your Acadamaen self on all the ways that impers die down in Old Korvosa wouldn't have taken you an inch outta your way to tell us what'd gone down I'll paint this room in your yellow choler I'll spill your solly slop you tried your level best at Banditry you Stupid motherfucker and they'll be picking your whiskers from the gristle what's served at the meatshops by the water!

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