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In Which Korvosans Rally & The Dead Envy The Living
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I've never seen it read this way, but you could argue As it says clearly in 4611-20 (the Earthquake Recovery Appropriations Act of 4611) -


You can't just cherrypick rules that advantage you and - and let all the others rest!


Come on now.

We appreciate you, Kroft, but I don't think we need to be quite so Abadaran as all that!


In a perfect world, every word of every regulation ever written by anyone anywhere would be enforced with fanatic fervor by an army of semi-recognized quasi-vigilantes. 

Alas, everyone pays more attention to laws and arguments which advantage them.

It's why we need such adversarial justice.




End of the world?


Baronetcies for the survivors of the attack.


And land reform! She'll be a popular queen.


No she isn't!


I said she'll be.


And land reform. Well, well, well.


He heard of that in passing; it'll be unpopular to roll back.

They really need this Wescrani child off the throne as quickly as can be done.


But what is this that I hear about the end of the world?


In a matter of days, most everyone in Varisia will be dead and the survivors will have no way to plant come spring.

Abadar says that fifty other cities were struck last night besides Korvosa and Westcrown - Westcrown fell, by the by, with hundreds of thousands dead - and that the casualties of last night won't look like an outlier a month from now, and Asmodeus claims that a coalition of gods are responsible including the Rough Beast, Midnight Lord, and Everbloom.

We don't know what to do.


Many of Geb believe the age of men over. Regardless of Geb's official policy, they claim, Osirion and Taldor will doubtless fall at the hands of impatient vectors. They expect Lastwall to be taken this very night, by surprise and storm; Lastwall has many enemies in Ustalav, newly capable.

Tar-Baphon will return.

There is talk of a new Worldwound Alliance, with the Whispering Way, and there is talk of letting that threat fester, that Outside powers might step in. 

There's a lot to get done while the day's yet young!

It's why he's trying to get this part over with.




Glorio will have to work his jaw a minute before he can form any words.


Outside powers, pfft.

If the gods could close the Worldwound, they'd have done so already. They aren't as powerful as y - as we mortals like to think.


I think They must be pretty powerful, seeing as a couple of deities are right now in the middle of ending all life.


Cressida's confusion is - what did the gods do, that changed the game so completely? Her second confusion is how the Team Shadow coalition is able to afford this, afford  - her understanding was previously that divine intervention is rare because deities can cheaply veto expensive interventions, unilaterally or nearly unilaterally. Otherwise they'd have already closed the Wound, right?

Or - the handful of gods and demon lords in favor of yellow fever must be wildly outnumbered by the ones who aren't, but we still have yellow fever. If the Pallid Princess - acting more or less alone - can't preserve the status quo even against the combined powers of Nirvana, Heaven, Axis, and Hell(?), Kroft must admit she doesn't understand why pox and ague still exist.



Did you know that ague is caused by mosquitos and we could eliminate them with something called a gene drive?


Wolves, too, and gob -


uh -


...only mosquitos and wolves, though.


Is something I read.


In a book.

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