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In Which Korvosans Rally & The Dead Envy The Living
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Melyia Arkona will regally flounce into the offered chair.


Glorio Arkona will climb on the table and sit cross-legged. 


To a discerning eye - and the greatest pupil of Vencarlo Orisini has a discerning eye from its white to its iris - it's obvious from their casual movements and resting posture, even from the movement of their eyes, that Glorio and his cousin Melyia are deadly fighters.

It's not something you can fake, and it's very hard to conceal.

She couldn't put a number on it, but - 

Glorio Arkona has at least 6 BAB.

Melyia has thirteen.


(They scare her.)


What a dress, Melyia!

There are so very few who could pull it off.


Your tiara is beautiful, Ileosa. 

It makes you look just like a princess.




Are... are we about to witness a murder?


Murder's a watched pot of water as refuses to boil.

Perhaps relatedly -


A maulding magic man made me aware that our old Stirge King tripped on a loose flagstone - and that he never stood up from it.

It's halfway Eodred's own damn fault, for leaving the roads in such disrepair, but the other half -


Give me the details, girl!

I die of things vicariously!


I didn't kill Eodred!


...That is so, so tempting to jump on. 

It takes every ounce of his formidable restraint not to -

He'd throw his arms wide and announce, like a circus conductor to his trained howler monkeys, "Hear that, folks? She didn't kill Eodred!"

Or with a dark and triumphant smile, like she'd stepped into his trap, lean forward and grimly say, "I never said you did."

It's not even that he wants to publicly humiliate her - would gain anything from it - although he would find it fun - it's just... who leaves themself wide open like that? And expects him not to take a swing?


But... Toff gave him the strong impression across thirty seconds of strongarming that everyone knew Ileosa killed Eodred and that she was all but confessing to it.

Which just ain't so.

So he won't burn bridges with the Queen just because it would be funny.

He misses his moment. Others make similar jabs, but none with 22 Charisma sitting lotus-style at the center of attention.

Ileosa will be fiiiiiine.

Glorio raises his hand to silence them. In a voice of warm support and gentle amusement, "Order, now, order, people, let's have some class."


"Formidable restraint"? 

The Glorio she knows throws screaming tantrums over trifling things.

Hits things, breaks people.

Like a small child.


My Strength is 18, Ornelos's 9, but we'd be equally quick in our respective Heavy Loads. 

Unlike the wizard as brought us here, I seldom rage in public.

And it must be that I have restraint in spades; no one else can hold my dark moods back!


Voice shaking with anger, Ileosa will repeat that Eodred tripped. He fell behind and couldn't be saved.

He wasn't the only one. Almost everyone she lived with died one after another last night and it was terrifying and horrible and she will give the gory details and there are witnesses and she'll accept a truthspell and there were too many witnesses for it to be remotely possible they could all get past truthspells.


Bullshit. You were giddy when we saw you in the Vault last night. Your minions were unsurprised and ready to take over.


I was glad to be alive!


The Peerage Review is assembled. This will be the... the what?




...I wasn't asking you, why do you even know that?

This will be the 461st advisory meeting of the Peerage Review since the establishment of blah blah blah. In attendance are all the people who are in attendance. 

Let's get this done quickly.

It is the considered opinion of House Ornelos that Cressida Kroft was removed without just cause as Field Marshal of the Korvosan Guard, in defiance of whichever the fuck rule that's in defiance of.


Will you say under truthspell that you never wanted Eodred dead? Had no designs upon his life?


How do we know that these are the real Arkonas, here of their own free will?


Rather than, say, cultists impersonating them. 

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