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In Which Korvosans Rally & The Dead Envy The Living
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And kicks seated Lord Ornelos in the head.


Hey, listen to this

Isn't that one of the most Cayden Cailean songs you've ever heard? But, like, Starfinder Cayden Cailean.


What does that have to do with anything?


I just thought it was interesting, okay?


Everyone roll initiative!


Dean of Divination, Master Norva Allesain: 1d20+9 = 23 

Forewarned (Su): You can always act in the surprise round even if you fail to make a Perception roll to notice a foe, but you are still considered flat-footed until you take an action.

One hitched breath before Lord Arkona stands, Norva Allesain turns herself invisible.


Melyia Arkona: 1d20+11 = 28

...It'd be inconvenient for her on several levels for Glorio Arkona to die at this moment. 

With an 80 foot land speed and +20 to Acrobatics, it's a move action to slip from her chair and take position by the wizard.

Before it's really registered with anyone else in the room that a fight has broken out, before toppling Toff has finished falling backwards in his chair, Melyia has readied an action to interrupt any spell that he casts with one Stunning Fist.


(Or, as case may be, a Stunning Head Stomp.)


Aram Zey: 1d20+7 = 24

Not his circus, not his monkeys.

Greater invisibility.


Dean of Evocation, Salgar Irevotnin: 1d20+8 = 23

If he's 3 DEX less spry than he was as a youth, the Dean of Evocation still acts with astonishing alacrity. 

It's best for all involved that he ends this fight before it really starts, immediately and overwhelmingly with a fourth-circle resilient sphere (DC 23).

Salgar's done this many times before, in a classroom setting.

He casts it at CL 7, of course; there's no reason to reward a troublemaker with more headroom than they deserve. 


The d20 says 3, +21 for Reflex makes 24.


Oh dear.


I find that a shimmering empty forcesphere on the table really brings a room together.


Sabina Merrin: 1d20+5 = 23

From the moment that Lord Arkona rose to his feet she knew that this would be a disaster.

Excitement and consternation spreads through the room at the speed of perception and she just knows that this is all going to go south.

Sabina moves up to Ileosa, firmly grips her (flat-footed) Queen's arm and,

You can attempt to drag a foe as a standard action. You can only drag an opponent who is no more than one size category larger than you. The aim of this maneuver is to drag a foe in a straight line behind you without doing any harm. [...]

If your attack is successful, both you and your target are moved 5 feet back, with your opponent occupying your original space and you in the space behind that in a straight line. For every 5 by which your attack exceeds your opponent's CMD, you can drag the target back an additional 5 feet.

hauls her out of the chair and up to fifteen feet away into the defensible corner of the room. 

If Ileosa would be so kind as to position herself between Sabina and the wall whenever the initiative order finally reaches her, that would be useful.


Are... are we enemies now, Sabina?

But that's so sad.


Not to my knowledge...?


It says that you can drag a "foe". An "opponent."


Ileosa, if you fight me on this we really will be foes.


And then the maneuver will work and we'll have nothing to fight about!


Spellmaster Maganrad Hestrigsen: 1d20+7 = 21

It's nice when prudence and duty point in the same direction.

Maganrad Hestrigsen is a Spellmaster of the Korvosan Guard, which means he should break up this fight that just began.

Hestrigsen is also one of Toff Ornelos's students - or was yesterday when Toff Ornelos had a school - and that's supposed to be a binding commitment.

It's good to be on good terms with Headmaster Toff Ornelos, which he can in this case do by casting the 5th-circle Enchantment spell that as a 5th-circle Enchanter he has prepared.

Dominate person on Lord Glorio Arkona, DC 20.


I must have saved or something.

Sidebar: I've added you and Toff's other wizard to the list of people I hate. 




Arkona Goons: 1d20+9 = 20

Not all Arkona Goons are personally loyal to the current Head of House; the internal politics are pretty cutthroat.

The four which Glorio took with him by teleport, though?

Most certainly are.

Fair warning to wizards: if someone were try casting spells on the don, massed magic missile may foil their concentration.

(Or kill them outright, most d6-hitdie casters aren't swimming in hitpoints. Including Toff Ornelos, who, if meatier than most, recently took 20-odd points of Sneak Attack damage.)


Korvosan Group Red Group Initiative: 1d20+0 = 20

Group Red mostly consist of people who followed Toff Ornelos into the mansion.

They came here today hoping for a fight.

They've already danced the monkey dance of trading words, feeling each other out, getting up in people's space, working up the courage, working up the anger.

(The anger is important, and you need to work up enough to go around. Making sure you've gotten the other side angry is the difference between picking a fight, and attacking someone.)

They've danced the monkey dance twice.

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