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In Which Korvosans Rally & The Dead Envy The Living
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I might be able to help you with that,




30 points of damage would knock most ogres out.

(And leave the median strapping ogreish youth at 0 HP clean.)


Salgar was born with 3d6 = 8 Con, and lost 3 points of it to his Old Age for 5.

He compensates, as much as he can, with Toughness, a +2 belt, and the spell false life

(Lesser age resistance hasn't done a thing for him in years, and he didn't know this morning to leave a slot for Delmore's offered 6th-circle version.)

He has 11d6-11 = 31 hitpoints plus 1d10+10 = 12 temp = 43 hitpoints effective.

Reduced now to 13.

Glorio vents his fury on the old schoolmaster as tried to cage him.

Salgar's face is a shattered mess by the end of the combination. He's broken his nose. He loses teeth.

But any attack that couldn't drop a buffalo will leave Master Salgar Irevotnin - if dazed and blinking blood from swollen eyes - very much still conscious.


Queen Ileosa Arabasti: 1d20+3 = 14

Sabina sensed the turning crowd before she did or processed the implications faster because when Glorio took a swing at Toff it was like dropping a torch on oil and people are screaming and fighting and throwing - throwing ceramic pots at her and Sabina dragged her out of the chair and she couldn't get her feet under herself at first and her arm hurts where Sabina grabbed it and she feels kind of angry at Sabina actually! as if had Sabina not assumed Ileosa a valid target no one else would have either and she doesn't know if that's true or not and she's going to stand between Sabina and the wall and draw her rapier and she's scared she'd be a lot more scared without Sabina here Sabina's scared and that's in itself frightening and most people aren't involved yet but she can tell that they will be and she's going to ready an action to cast hideous laughter on anyone who comes at them.

(It'd be mathematically sounder to use Inspire Courage here, but Ileosa isn't an adventuring bard and doesn't understand the martial power of song.)


She's scared.

She wishes that this weren't happening.

The political part of her brain will take a second to boot.


Most High Arch Megapope of Korvosa, Primate of Varisia: 1d20+3 = 14

Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 3rd, concentration +7)

2 - augury (already cast), bull’s strengthD, silence (DC 16)

1 - enlarge personD, magic weapon, sanctuary (DC 15), open slot

0 - create water, detect magic, light, mending

Ooh, this one too.

And how high are the ceilings in here?


It's a mansion, my dude.

Just don't hit your head on the crystal chandelier. 


Then I'll five-foot out of melee range and enlarge the Whirlwind lady with Lunge!


Watch Sergeant Jope Chantsmo: 1d20+2 = 14

Jope Chantsmo (LG male human ranger 7/expert 1) used to be a Sable Company Marine, until he took an arrow to the knee and turned to tending shop.

Despite his advancing age, he's a very solid fighter. As a married man, with children, he'd have never abandoned the quiet life - until the quiet life abandoned him.

Much of Korvosa Initiative Group Yellow are huddled togetherish and could be split off from the others, or if not that, maybe distracted as one unit. Jope will get between them and the brawl and wave a sword and shout that this isn't a show and that they need to clear out. 

By the rules, Diplomacy and Intimidate both take a minute - ten rounds - to get anywhere. 

Such social skills are more useful during the monkey dance, to defuse a fight that someone wants to pick. It's maybe too late now for words.

What Jope expects to happen here is for someone to take a swing at him and incite his readied attack.


Korvosa Group Blue Group Initiative: 1d20+0 = 14

Group Blue are hitching their wagons to Lord Glorio Arkona.

It may or may not be wise, but he is the most popular man in the city.

You could say that Group Blue is pro-Ileosa - and some even are, it's true that the people who're fond of Glorio's charitable antics are also well-disposed toward's Ileosa's policy platform so far - but mostly they're opposed to Group Red and Group Yellow.


Some in Group Blue hate the Acadamae Wizards on principle, who have admittedly done much which can be righteously hated.

Others think that Lord Toff Ornelos is a pompous and arrogant and nakedly power hungry piece of shit, like all the other nobles, and at least the Queen's an outsider with reason to drain the swamp.

Others weren't opposed to House Ornelos before Toff opened in mouth - heck, some of them came in through this door with him - but nonetheless are now.

Others are in Group Blue because they think Field Marshal Kroft is and she once rescued a friend or relation of theirs from merrows or ghouls or from Gaedren Lamm. 

Others have someone that they like in Group Blue or someone they don't in Red or Yellow.

(These aren't exclusive.)


Group Blue is aware that they're fighting uphill; they're fighting a whole bunch of powerful wizards, plus, if Group Blue loses, the story will be that they started it (when Lord Arkona kicked Lord Ornelos, even though anyone would agree that was provoked), plus, the Reds and Yellows have them outnumbered. 

Their advantage is that some of Group Red and Yellow are going to go after the Queen, which hopefully means the Guard will fight the Reds and Yellows instead of Blues?

That, and their advantage is that Lord Arkona is, on top of being a 3rd-circle sorcerer, apparently a total ass-kicking machine

And it looks like his goons are all loyal and brave and coordinated and quick on the uptake, too.


One member of Group Blue is going to run to back up Queen Ileosa - and get hit by her hideous laughter.

He makes the save to avoid utter debilitation, and giggles that he's friendly.


I guess that probably means that we're Group Blue?

Since we're bodyguards of the Queen.


One member of Group Blue draws a sword while charging the Pope. 

Does a 20+3 = 22 hit? Take 1d8+1 = 9 slashing damage.

(That's a critical threat, but they rolled a 1 to confirm.)


I am at 19 hitpoints out of 28, and am curious, good sir, as to your logic.

I'm not even holding a weapon.


You just cast a spell, you have no leg to stand on.


Can you explain why you're upset enough with me to run me through?

Explain it like I'm five years old.


You stood in front of the Shoanti necromancer out of some holier-than-thou type narcissism, but fecklessly wouldn't draw steel to try and make us look like assholes for brawling you. Which left a bad taste in my mouth, y'know? And then you cast a spell to buff Watch Sergeant Kroft, who's on Toff Ornelos's team and if they win they'll see us all tortured and/or killed or imprisoned. 


One member of Group Blue is going to slash the person who stabbed the likeable Caydenite who's also casting support spells on Field Marshal Kroft (who's on Group Blue's side, as she knows because Kroft didn't let anyone attack Ileosa last night and told Toff's crew just now that they couldn't cherrypick the rules that advantaged them). 1d20+5 = 11 which hits and 1d8+6 = 11 which drops him, spurting blood, into the negative hitpoints.


One member of Group Blue will try and Grapple Spellmaster Maganrad Hestrigsen and roll a natural 19 on the attempt.

The wizard won't be getting many spells off while this roustabout's attached.


Two members of Group Blue will jump the two members of Group Red who'd tried to pull Lord Arkona off the table.


One member of Group Blue will ready an action to shake Orianna Delmore's chair if she tries to cast a spell.

He's heard that vigorous motion foils concentration. 


One member of Group Blue is a 2rd-circle wizard with 11 wisdom who's going to cast summon swarm to cover Master Orianna Delmore (and everyone near her) in thousands of spiders the size of silver coins.

So she can't get a spell off, see.

It may or may not become relevant that the caster of summon swarm has no control over who the conjured spiders decide to attack.

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