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In Which Korvosans Rally & The Dead Envy The Living
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Acadamae Headmaster, Lord Toff Ornelos: 1d20+4 = 15






It seems that your initiative exceeds mine. 


That it does.


Gods, I can't roll worth shit today.

I rolled another three.

You'd be paste otherwise, I'm telling you.


I'll take your word for it.


He's paste anyways, Glor.

I'm waiting in the wings for if he casts a spell.


And we've got four CL 7 magic missiles pointed his way.

If he so much as wiggles his casting fingers, we'll shoot him full of holes.


But I cast this spell ten days ago.


Toff clucks his tongue - a free action - which activates his contingency.


And finds himself in the foyer of Togomor's mansion, albeit scrambled to the tune of 1d10 = 7 damage.

(That's the risk one runs, when one teleports to a false destination.)

He shares the foyer with seven stuffed dolls as look like purple dragons, which when sighted near a planar boundary are a pretty good sign that you'll find Headmaster Ornelos somewhere on that plane.


And he still has all his actions, so he casts greater invisibility.


You've a scant few round's reprieve before Toff comes through that door with a buffstack like Arnold Schwarzenegger. 

You had best make the most of them.


Well, this is fine, I'll just murder Irevotnin.


Cressida Kroft: 1d20+0 = 15

My turn comes next, and I'll make safeguarding Korvosa's teleport capacity my priority -


Nah, go on 14 instead.

All the cool kids are doing it.


In a low and dangerous voice, Glorio Arkona asks why the first words out of Toff Ornelos's mouth when he teleported onto the deck of the Reprieve II weren't "by the way, Glor, the world is ending."

It seems more fucking important than his beef with the Queen.

And among other things, Glorio would have liked to tell the others on his boat.

I am busy, because unlike you I can actually do something about the world's greater problems, and I saw no need to lecture you at length. 

It frankly wasn't worth my time to fill you in on the details, since the only thing I really need from you is the Wescrani removed.

Once I've undone everything that happened in Korvosa without me, I can move forward unhobbled -

Glorio Arkona rises from his lotus position in one violent motion,

- as if he teleported upright -

And kicks seated Lord Ornelos in the head.

The force of it knocks over the chair, Toff hits the ground hard, and Glorio would have been on him in a flash but there's an iridescent magic bubble snapping about him like the jaws of a trap and he lunges through the narrowing aperture and two assailants grab and are rebuffed and he's pouncing for Ornelos now that sonofabitch but Toff Ornelos clucks his tongue and disappears, and


Glorio: 1d20+11 = 14


No you don't, no you fucking don't.


Glorio activates his mindreading as a free action; he doesn't care who notices themself making the save.

Ornelos isn't in range of it.

He's gone.


Growling like an animal, a five-foot step atop the table puts Glorio within range of Irevotnin, who Toff had chosen to sit nearby.

Salgar's 1d20+12 = 27 Will will hedge out explicit mindreading, but his face betrays sheer terror.


Salgar Irevotnin has ever in his life been disemboweled by a fiendish dire tiger. 

He chiefly remembers its eyes, in the moment before its attack - and then pain, and being raised from the dead in the Bank of Abadar.

He no longer alieves Lord Arkona is human. 


Drawing a knife would take his move action.

A claw/claw/bite routine would reveal more than he really ought, notes whatever part of his brain is still tracking that, and dealing lethal damage would be escalatory (notes the two rubbing neurons which care), and probably Evil I guess.

So he's going to activate his Boots of Speed and beat Salgar bloody with his bare hands.

1d20+23 = 30    1d4+4 = 5

1d20+23 = 37    1d4+4 = 5

1d20+18 = 23    1d4+4 = 8

1d20+13 = 15    1d4+4 = NA

1d20+  8 = 28    2d4+8 = 12


This is less than ideal.


Didn't you learn contingency just this morning?


And I set it to trigger were I attacked by a shadow.

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