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In Which Korvosans Rally & The Dead Envy The Living
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Erastil would say that she needs to buckle up and do her part.


Cressida Kroft would say that too.

How does the song go... "The work to do is here for you, put your shoulder to the wheel!"

The music will stop eventually, but while it plays she'll do whatever seems likeliest to to preserve Korvosa.




Alright, she's centered.

Or - as centered as she can quickly get.


If Anyone is listening and wants to help me wrangle these poor idiots, wipe out the shadows or solve material scarcity, put stitches in the Worldwound, take out Tar-Baphon, get a grip on Geb, iron out the Iron Gods, foil Rovagug's evil plan, monitor Those Fucking Guys and keep them from destroying the world, if there is a god out there of holding this all together when no one ever listens to you, that Anyone should give me cleric or inquisitor or paladin powers and five wish diamonds and a pony; I need to get to work.

With her Standard Action she'll 1d20+13 = 23 pull the Initiative Group Blue roustabout off of Spellmaster Hestrigsen with one enlarged hand and fling him to the ground with a warning to stay there.

With her Move Action she hurries the length of the table towards where Arkona is beating Irevotnin.


To AVOID one possible MISUNDERSTANDING I have included aLIGHT HORSEin ADDITION to yourPONY


The sudden appearance of aLIGHT HORSE」and「PONY」is the fifth most interesting thing that's happened in the last five seconds, right after the sudden appearance of thousands of spiders.

The startled equines appear where there's (barely) space and immediately start whinnying and thrashing and trying to make space for themselves; these things happen, in civic brawls.

Any Korvosan would recognize them at a glance as summoned horses. Unless summoned by a custom version of the spell,「LIGHT HORSES」and「PONIES」summoned with mount or summon monster all look pretty much identical. The horses are brown with a somewhat darker brown mane and slightly lighter brown socks and a longsuffering face that'd be utterly unremarkable if it weren't so uncannily familiar, the ponies have bigger heads and lighter coats and are otherwise the same.

(Korvosa as a city went much heavier on wizards than it did mundane stable-masters, and as both mount and communal mount last hours per level and don't require hay and oats or anywhere to sleep, the city in truth contained very few horses who had of mares been born.)

This particular horse and this particular pony are resolute creatures, and don't look exactly like the model summoned by mount. Still, there's a strong family resemblance.


Mounts come with a bit and bridle and riding saddle. They don't usually come with saddlebags, but, like, if someone cast a version of the spell that included saddlebags that would not actually be more interesting than the spell that summoned thousands of spiders.

Saddlebags aren't interesting.


What it feels like to be a cleric varies, because if you perturb a part of a human's brain the rest of the brain will generate all kinds of explanations of what just happened. It's not outside the space of experiences that people report without, in fact, actually being a cleric, because they're fasting or on drugs or just meditating very intensely, but this doesn't usually produce a lot of confusion because afterwards you either have spells, or you don't.

Commonly reported: a feeling of being seen by a penetrating beam of light. That feeling that you sometimes get in a dream where you see someone and hug them and know as a sort of background fact that they are the love of your life and you are reuniting after a long separation, even if your awake mind is pretty sure that person doesn't exist. A feeling of noticing there's something in your chest, or in your arms, that's been there your whole life but which you just realized you can move. A sense of being showered in transcendent divine love. A really intense variant of coming out of subspace. A moment of all your sensory input sending 'THE DIVINE' instead of their usual format of sensory input. A feeling of opening your eyes, except they were already open.

- Mad Investor Chaos and the Woman of Asmodeus


It feels like she's... known and appreciated and approved of by The Universe or at least by something vast and vastly knowledgeable. She might describe it by saying that the world makes more sense now (but does it correspond to anything that now makes more sense...?). Shivers run down Cressida's spine and there are warm arms around her and she gasps in surprise and her eyes feel watery and there's Someone else walking with her trying to hold the world together when it seems no one else can make the time to prevent their own destruction she's not alone never alone and she and She are old friends met at last for the very first time she feels a soaring rush of affection towards whichever understanding shithead motherfucker cast this spell to make her feel like they were the biggest pea in her pod.

It is teeth-grindingly infuriating that a wizard would make her feel this way in an attempt to suborn or debilitate her. She would much rather be hacked to pieces with a battle-ax, and she speaks here from experience without hyperbole. It is violating to stab someone's brain in the part that makes them feel transcendent joy or buddy-buddy with you. Not to mention illegal to do to a civil servant with her security clearances! 


The member of Group Red who'd held his action is going to move and attack the adventurer who dropped the guy who attacked the self-styled Arch Megapope of Korvosa.

Like the great majority of panache-y people with three levels in Swashbuckler, pretty Percell Peltherianon is an Evil plug-ugly who's used to winning duels and streetfights.

His foe today's a better fighter than most, but she's an adventurer and he's a swash. She'd do better than he against manticores, but his art is slaying men.

Both have over twenty hitpoints, and (if they hit) do ~1d8+6, so this fight could take a round or five to reveal its winner.


She's pretty sure she bombed the Will save here, since alongside her anger she still feels extremely affectionate towards whoever the caster is. (For some reason her brain insists that she'd love to work in their office or have them as an employee. She feels certain that they write meticulous reports.)


Lady Leroung: 1d20+0 = 13

What an absolute clusterfuck.

House Leroung as a culture and institution is opposed to struggling for power. Every time Korvosa has a bumpy patch or outright civil war, of the Dock Families you'll find House Jeggare playing both sides and House Leroung playing neither. Leroung isn't the biggest winner of the Great Houses, but neither does it suffer any catastrophic losses - steadily gaining wealth and influence through one administration after another. 

Now, five tenths of not making yourself a target is never being in the same room as anyone hot-tempered and picking them, and another tenth is not being in close quarters with wizards casting area of effect spells, and another tenth is not being a woman in the same room as a group of rambunctious men who just won a fight and may or may not hate nobility on general principles.

So, for her part Lady Eliasia Leroung is inclined to get out of here.

The one problem is, that there's fighting between her and the door.

Oh, two problems, actually, and the other problem is that shipping by sea possibly isn't going to be a thing anymore and her terrestrial assets have all been overrun by shadows and there's no strong reason to believe that after this power struggle anyone will come crawling to House Leroung for loans or legitimacy and she feels like maybe a lot of the people in this room (including her, half the time, it's so hard to wrap her mind around) are living mentally in an entirely different world than they're living physically in.

How silly of her to forget that.

Delay initiative.


(...But that they're not very good at presenting those reports to Castle Korvosa or City Hall. Cressida Kroft needs to champion her enchanter's ideas to King Eodred and shelter them from office politics, apparently(??).) 


(Not entirely unlike the dwarf with 5 Splendor the Bank of Abadar lent her as a liason and she refused to ever return.... and that's a painful memory, because - Groduk's heroism last night won him +4 Charisma, as with most of her most favorite people.)


Altronus: 1d20+8 = 12

I was gonna pop the one who stabbed Barry, but it looks like he's been handled. 


People should wear uniforms, so we know whether to kill them before their initiative.


You and I should open a boutique.


"Wear our Foeman's Full-Dress Uniform to be absolutely certain that the heroes don't accidentally not kill you!!"


You may want to workshop that pitch.


At least Cressida knows that she hasn't been Dominated or Confused, since those would have slagged her Mind Sentinel Medallion. 

Kroft has ever before arrested a wizard through the effect of a Charm or Compulsion, and while it's not something she'd like to rely on it's not exactly like it'd be more helpful here to recuse herself.


Should I take out Lord Argonian?


Brave words!

But the guy makes five attacks a round.


So do I, and he's cheating with Boots of Speed.

If he's a chained monk, he must be at least eighth level but weaker than eleventh...


How many monks do you know which flip out and randomly attack people?


How many monks has Arthur ever played?


Seriously, though, who would be dumb enough to try and Enchant her.

That's a brisk walk to the Longacre Building and a very long round trip. And like as not you'll do your time and leave bereft a wagging wizard's tongue.

Maybe it was an AoE that caught her by - 

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