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wen ning is the erogamer
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"I'd like it to be good? And I have no idea, I haven't exactly compared it?" Or more accurately, he assumed it was deeply unnatractive, but apparently he is too pessimistic and 'should think nice things about himself' sometimes.


"Okay. But you look at porn, right?"


"... Not until yesterday."


"What??? WHY?!"


"Because when I was younger there would be hell to pay if I got caught and then when I was older I was worried about exploiting people? And then yesterday I found. Certain subreddits." If Wei Wuxian can pick up on the implication here, that would be very convenient.


"Okay, so, what do you get off to? Hentai? Incredibly fucked-up hentai?"


"Not really? I, uh, did that mostly so I wasn't distracted and not so much for fun. Until I became a wizard."


"Wen Niiiiiiiiing," Wei Wuxian says, sounding physically pained. "Wen Ning. I am going to send you my porn collection. It has categories."


"You can if you want to, but you don't have to? I have, uh, definitely found the subreddits."


"Wen Niiiiing! There is more than just pictures of naked men on the Internet!"


"Oh, wait, no, you're asexual, right. I have been so disrespectful. I am such a bad ally. I am so sorry."


"I thought I was asexual, but I think I have disproved that theory."


"Oh! Because of the porn! Did you find anyone hot on there?"


"...yessss." Can he use somewhat frantic eye contact to communicate that it was Wei Wuxian? He'd like to hope so.

(This conversation is only made more surreal because it is happening while he is naked and having a phone camera pointed at him.)


"Oooh, can you show me?"

(Wei Wuxian has never heard of subtext.)


On the one hand, it means he can be pretty sure he doesn't secretly hate him, but it makes conversations like this more awkward. "I, uh, don't think I need to? ...itwasyou."


"Oh, wow, that must have been so weird, a-Ning."


"--I'm more worried that it might be weird for you?"


"Why would it be weird? You can see me naked when I'm done posting this picture of you if you want."

Quest complete: GoneWildSmilesWenNing

500 xp
+1 BOD
Online Presence unlocked
+1 WIZ for shapeshifting in front of your crush twice. 
You have leveled up!
Manual // Online Presence

You earn 10XP each time somebody comes:

- While looking at a non-retouched picture or video of you.
- While listening and paying attention to your recorded voice.
- While reading an erotic story you wrote.
- While looking at an erotic drawing that you personally drew.
- While watching a hentai for which you provided at least one of script, storyboards, or voice acting.
- While playing a VR game whose models and motions were captured from you.
- While interacting with an AI that was programmed by you or trained on data you generated.
- While playing an eroge whose character routes feature you and your companions.

Only one orgasm per session will be counted. Repeated edging or ruined orgasms may qualify depending on circumstances. Incentivizing orgasms (e.g. as mandatory supervised daily sessions within a territory you rule) reduces per-orgasm XP gains, but does not eliminate them. Promoting or advertising your online presence carries no penalty.

For details of how you are currently doing online, check Info // Online Presence // My Metrics. Advanced ad-free metrics can be unlocked by paying $5.99/month.

To unlock non-sex-related aspects of Online Presence, you may acquire a joy-spreading online presence in some other way.


"You shapeshifted your dick bigger."


...So he has. "Not intentionally?"


"Wen Ning. Wen Ning. Do you have big dick energy. Do you have metaphysically confirmed big dick energy."


"I don't know if it's goal directed like that, but maybe?"


"You have a great dick. I would definitely suck your dick. Platonically. As a friend. Just, like, to appreciate how good your dick is."

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