Two child vampires are dumped in Wind Waker, where they make a change
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And she steals the bow piece from Zeke and brandishes her finished boat and "I win. See, it's pretty short but still fun."


"Yeah. Kind of nice to have a game we can't instantly win."


"I can see why you might feel like that, yeah. Want to play this some more? There's more complicated games they sell through the post, from Windfall Island and stuff, but I can't afford any yet."


They play a few rounds.


Gren wins three rounds, Tabby two, Zeke four. Probably luck.


"Yeah, me too. I guess it's time for me to go fishing. My mom looks all disappointed when I come for dinner but don't bring any fish. And I'd be making her do all the work."


"Should we help?"


"If you want to, sure, but I'm sure she'd feed you even if you didn't. I'm gonna go get my net."


She gets a net then starts walking up and down the shallow stretch of water between the two sections of island with it. "You can't net-fish in the same place too often so tomorrow I'll do it over there, and so on."


"We could just dive in and catch them for you."


"That'd be faster yeah. Try not to hurt the fish-houses too much or there will be less fish later though."


"It's actually pretty neat. We build these little things out of rocks and wood that are good for coral and fish to live in, and so there will always be lots of fish to eat as long as we keep making more fish-houses."


"Oh, I thought it would much weirder."


Giggle. "You might like to meet the Fishmen. They're smart fish as big and smart as a human, with faces. Don't worry about catching one accidentally here, they live in open ocean."


"They're sort of squished and fishy faces - I think they were made by magic a long time ago."


"Everything here seems to say that."


"Yeah, it's kinda sad that there's no more magic around anymore. Have you heard the story of Hyrule? It's supposedly the ancient kingdom that died or broke apart and left us all these weird magic things."


"Sounds like Atlantis."


"I've never heard of Atlantis but maybe."


He shrugs. "Nevermind." 

The twins dive under the water.


There are lots of fish.

The fish-houses are pretty obvious and easy to avoid. The fact that most of the fish dart inside at the slightest provocation is a mild challenge though.

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