Two child vampires are dumped in Wind Waker, where they make a change
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They are successful.

The game gets more fun over time, at least for everyone who is merely human.


The twins try to at least be fair.


Then it will turn out to be a good but not excellent match.


Then they get bored and stop being fair.


Whereupon Sami and Yarrow get annoyed and leave. Carl's still here, but he's kind of annoying. "That worked about as well as I thought it would," Gren comments.


"Sorry. Not used to playing with humans."


"Maybe a thinky game would work better."

"I don't want to play one of your silly pebble games Gren!" Complains Carl.


"Bet you can't beat us!"


"Yeah 'cause I won't bother to try something boring!" Carl runs off.

"He's always like that."


"We don't think your things are boring."


"Thanks. So, I heard of or invented a bunch of different games. Build Race is where we take turns getting pieces to make something or taking away someone else's, and whoever has all the pieces they need first wins. I know checkers, and some dice games."


"Build race sounds fun."


"Okay! I usually play it with little wood boat-pieces. So, you can choose to get a piece, then you roll a die to see which piece you get next. Or you choose to steal a piece from someone but the next time it would be your turn you get skipped. Let me go and get the pieces and a die." She runs off.


"I like her." He says to his sister.


She's back presently.

"Who wants to go first?"


She lays out the boat-pieces on a big flat rock. There's six pieces, four of each kind, that slot together to make a little wooden boat when finished. They're numbered. "Okay, you can't steal because we don't have any pieces so roll."


She gets the sails, marked with a six. Gren rolls three and gets a piece that looks like the top back part. "Zeke's turn."


The game proceeds with just rolling for pieces until Gren gets two of the same thing and for her next turn, decides to steal Tabby's sails instead.


She foolishly decides to steal something from Gren in revenge.


Which means Zeke gets two rolls in a row, and Gren rolls again and gets one of the two pieces she still needs. Zeke has one of the last thing she needs so she'll win next turn unless they start interfering.

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