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Tarinda in Velgarth
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Leareth is back on his own side of the Gate now. He shouts to her instead; no one else is paying them any attention. "This is very obviously interference by one of the gods. I suspect the Star-Eyed since this level of magical discharge must be sourced from the Heartstone. I assumed you would be aware that the gods strongly object to those like us who try to enact large-scale change, and would be taking appropriate precautions. Where is Vanyel."


"I don't know what you're talking about and don't know where he is!"


Leareth's eyes narrow. "How have you been working on this for decades and failed to notice. Actually, I had thought anyone attempting the same project would be doing it because all other approaches had proved intractable against Their interference. If your story is something different," he seems not entirely surprised by this, "then I am curious, and also I think you should leave now because a Power very clearly wishes you dead." 


"I'm kind of getting that but the other hypothesis I've heard is that you're doing all this!"


Leareth peers, slightly incredulously, at the crevasse she escaped. "You have a very generous assessment of how powerful I am. Even Vanyel could not–"

He breaks off in the middle of his sentence, his eyes widening slightly in alarm, not something that would be very noticeable to most people but presumably is noticeable to Page. 


"- what -"


"What was Vanyel doing when this happened. Is there any chance he was in the Web-focus room." 


"Why do you ask."


"I do not actually know how any of this is possible, even the Star-Eyed should not be able to cast magic so directly in the material world and no human mage is powerful enough. Except that Vanyel might be, if he were distance casting from the Web. I do not know what would cause him to do so in such an uncontrolled way, but - the Star-Eyed might have very direct access to his mind, when he is working through the Heartstone, which contains a fragment of Her." 



She relays this to Kellan verbatim.


Kellan swears in a couple of different languages. :Goddamnit, that almost makes sense. If they were practicing - nothing could've got at them from the outside, but Van has control issues. And - Heartstones - that is a true fact about how they're made...: 

Kellan's mindvoice is choppy, like there's something he keeps bouncing away from in the middle of sentences. 

:I'm going to try to rouse Yfandes. She'll know where he was whenever this started: 


Leareth is watching her, his black eyes mostly unreadable, but maybe a little impatient and stressed. 


"So if you're right what should be actually done about it."


"We need to physically remove him from the Web-room. That ought to do it." His eyes dart around. "The area is rather hazardous, though. It will risky to approach." 


:Kellan, he says Van needs to be physically removed from the Web-room, and Page is up to 91% on him being sincere now:


:'Fandes is waking up a bit - she says he was there and having some sort of fit, she tried to Mindspeak him to pull him out of it and he blasted her. I don't know how to get him out. Neither of us can get up the stairs: 

The ground is still shaking but more gently. The lightning is less frequent. 


Tarinda sighs and starts dancing her way through the wreckage.


"- Are you sure that is a good idea?" Leareth calls out after her. "You are not mage-gifted, the shield-talisman is not going to protect you against everything, and the Star-Eyed seems to very badly wish you dead. Also you are very important and you absolutely cannot get yourself killed." 


She growls to herself and stops. :Kellan can't you get another human - if something explodes where I don't have room to maneuver -:


:I'm trying but everyone is really scared to go in there and we don't have any, er, able-bodied mages who can shield themselves. Sandra would risk it but she's still recovering:


:What if I loan someone my talisman?:


:Asking the stablehand: 


:Tarinda!: Yfandes' mindvoice is faint, wavering in and out. :He's - in really bad shape - he's been having convulsions this entire time and I think he's not breathing properly, he's getting weaker fast–: 


:I'm going to give the stablehand my talisman so he can go in, I can't risk it, the Sing data isn't anywhere else:


Kellan trots out across the field, a young, terrified-looking man on his heels. 

- the ground makes a somewhat halfhearted attempt to crack open under Tarinda again. 

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