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Tarinda in Velgarth
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:Sandra dropped something on the fire that smoked awfully, I don't know what it was, I'll be fine regardless but couldn't shout aloud immediately, she might have got a lungful:


:You made it out though? Did you shut the door?: 


Sandra does sound like someone who might've got a lungful of awful smoke, coughing and wheezing; she's moving a little now but not very purposefully. 


:Yes and yes. I think she's in a bad way, getting a Healer thirty seconds sooner might make a difference:


:I'll detour by Healers' and give someone a ride over then, I'm not far - can be there in two, three minutes...: 


Tarinda does her best with Sandra until then, coughing occasionally herself to expel particles of smoke.


Sandra is not really responsive, and her breathing is laboured, but she is still breathing when Yfandes gallops up about a minute and a half later. 


Gemma dismounts, rather clumsily - she's not a frequent rider - and kneels by her, resting her fingertips on Sandra's forehead. "–Good work," she says, her voice without much expression. "I can stabilize her while more people get here." 


:Is whatever it is still on fire: Yfandes barks in Tarinda's head as soon as Gemma's done. 


:Don't know, couldn't see:


Vanyel comes running from the other direction, out of breath. "I'll - try to Farsee it - in there...?" 


:Yeah, under that chimney: She points.


The chimney is now also leaking the same ugly smoke, but at least it's high above their heads. 


"Ugh." Vanyel jogs over, peers at a window. "Hmm. I don't know what to..." He straighten his shoulder. "Sorry, everyone, I'm going to do the horrible weather-barrier trick. Loud noise coming up." 

He concentrates hard, and - a glowing, translucent sphere about as wide as his outstretched arm appears high in the air above them. It glows brighter as he pulls more heat from the smoke-filled room. 

- and then explodes with a very, very loud noise, but he redirects all the fire upward with a bowl shaped mage-barrier. 


:What was that?:


:A weather-barrier pulls heat from outside to the inside of a mage-barrier: Vanyel explains, absently, while he tries again to Farsee inside the room. :At one point I was trying to stabilize a mudslide and realized I could try to freeze it by sticking a weather-barrier above it and pulling heat in really hard. Except then for some reason it always explodes really violently, I don't know why. I should do one more, it's still smoking in there: 

He concentrates again. There is a second violent fiery explosion, directed skyward. 


:- maybe actually don't do that in case it's, uh, have you ever gotten a sunburn from being near one -:


"Er, not that I recall?" he answers out loud, heading back over to where Gemma and several other Healers are now kneeling with Sandra. "Though I think I separately had a sunburn from regular sun the last time because we were traveling in summer." 


:Maybe it's fine then - I'll explain later: She resumes coughing.


Shavri catches up with the other Healers. They talk in Mindspeech, and then coordinate on rolling her onto a stretcher that one of them brought out and lifting her. 

Shavri ducks over to Tarinda. :You all right? You seem better off than her but you are still coughing: 


:It's the best way to get the gunk out. I'll be all right:


Shavri glances at her quickly with Healing-Sight anyway. "Yes, think you'll be fine," she says out loud. "Sandra's going to survive but she's not in great shape - still, it helps a lot that you got her out of there fast. What happened, exactly?" 


Tarinda repeats the explanation that she slipped and dropped something into the fire.


"So - just an accident? Gods. Well, she's in the best hands now, I think she'll be all right. I'm sorry this happened, it must've been really stressful." 


"I'll be fine, it's Sandra I'm worried about."

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