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Tarinda in Velgarth
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"Should I... tell you stuff about my world or something?"


"Sure! I don't know if that'd count for the dream since I'm not really thinking to tell him yet, but I'm always happy to hear about your world anyway. And...maybe some of it I could present as true facts about you that don't give everything away." 


"What kinds of stuff would be good to know?"


"Gods, I don't even know. Things that make you sound impressive to someone from a world like ours?" 


"...I know people with wings," she says. "They get them stuck on so they can fly around with more feedback than a glider. But when I want to go flying I borrow a flying reptile that was made from looking at - bones that turned into rock, I don't have the word - of extinct animals like that. Except the ones at the place I go are fun colors and patterns, and tame."


"Wow! That...does actually sound like the vague kind of thing you could do with magic, too, in the distant past mages used to create entire new species - Urtho did, he made gryphons, which can also fly." 


"Ooooh, what are those like?"


"They're - like if you took the front half of an eagle or hawk and glued it to the back half of a mountain cat. They're - they were, we don't know if any survived the Mage Wars - as intelligent as humans, and some of them were Gifted, with mage-gift or Mindspeech." 


"We have mythology about things like that! We have mythology about lots of stuff, actually. There might be some on Mars but I haven't met one. Ours wouldn't be people though."


"Does your world have any nonhuman people?" 


"Not really - I mean, you could say the people with wings and stuff aren't humans but that'd be quibbling. There might be more kinds of people who started on planets too far away for us to know about yet."


"I mean, we might have that here too! I don't know how we'd know." 


"Yours could even be nearby, maybe, since you couldn't check! Maybe we will meet them in five years."


"Maybe." Vanyel smiles a little. "Anyway. How are you getting on with Sandra - was she helpful?" 


"Sandra's great! I think I have most of the words for materials I'll need now."


"I'm really glad!" Vanyel glances around. "Anyway, I'd better get back to work and let you do the same. I'll let you know as soon as I know anything more from Leareth's end." 


"Thanks again."


Vanyel goes back to his work. 

He also lets Savil know about the copied treatise and diagrams, and Leareth's cave full of old records and magic artifacts in the south where he wants them delivered - maybe not to the cave itself, it's obvious enough that Leareth might think to stake it out as a trap, but somewhere nearby so he can specify it to Leareth in their next dream. 


Savil is still pretty dubious of the wisdom of all of this! She does, however, after some back and forth, agree to Gate south for him and drop it off. 


Sandra cheerfully helps Tarinda with isolating the various materials she needs and can also do some amount of directly making glass or metal equipment she needs; she's a Mindspeaker, so can get instructions just from a clear enough mental image. 


It's not until several days later that Vanyel has the dream again.

Just as before, he wakes up, takes notes, falls asleep again, and goes in search of Tarinda in the morning. 


She is buttering a hunk of bread. "Morning Vanyel!"


"Morning! I talked to Leareth again last night. He should be collecting the treatise Savil dropped off pretty soon!" 


"That's exciting! And then you hear back from him, uh, also via dream? No postal service?"


"He did actually give me a way to send messages! Location up north, very clear directions, and he said he would have someone Gate in and check it once a day at sunset and promised to otherwise leave it alone and not try to ambush anyone leaving a letter..." Sigh. "Using it means trusting him on that. If we try and it goes all right, I guess that gives us some information about his intentions? Also we can maybe find a safer way, like having a strong Fetcher drop it in from half a mile away, I don't know. If we wanted to be extra paranoid." 

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