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Tarinda in Velgarth
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Sandra is captivated. This is the most excited she's been about learning something since her very first lesson in magic. 


Awww. Anyway she needs this and this and a compound of that and so on.


Sandra frowns and nibbles her fingernail and considers how she could adapt her various alchemy-related spells and setup to get the exact things Tarinda needs. She thinks she can manage it all in a few days, definitely a week, though if Tarinda needs really large quantities it'll be harder for just her to keep up. 


Some things she needs lots of and some things she needs a little of and some things she can substitute and some things she won't want for a long time.


Sandra can prioritize accordingly, and maybe teach Savil, who's more powerful than her, the technique she ends up figuring out for the one Tarinda needs lots of. 

Tarinda is welcome to come join her in her alchemy Work Room while she tries things. 


Sounds fun!


They can definitely fill a whole afternoon doing this! Sandra's workspace is somewhat disturbingly messy, with every single surface covered in clutter, but she says she needs everything in view to remember where it is, and she in fact seems to have no trouble finding things. 


Man, she'd like having a spirit guide. Tarinda doesn't say so aloud though.


Does she want to join Sandra and Kilchas for supper? Kilchas is very eager to hear more about her world - Dara has mentioned they have people living on more than one planet? 


"Yeah, I don't live on the planet our humans are from!" She will draw a not to scale solar system diagram. She lives on this one and people started over there.


Kilchas is so fascinated! His hobby is astronomy and he's spent a long time studying Velgarth's sky - it's cloudy tonight but maybe sometime he can try to show her the planets visible through a good telescope. Though no one's sure if it's possible to live on them, or if magic would even work there if there aren't any living things. 


"Earth's the only planet in our system that people can live on without needing to do a lot of stuff first, but now there's prepwork done lots of places. Why do you need living things?"


"We think mage-energy is generated by living things. Maybe in planes other than ours as well - there's a sort of ecosystem to it, and almost a sort of weather cycle, mage-energy drains to the Void and then comes back in via living things." 


"And you're not just running off yourselves?"


"Mages have our own reserves - all Gifted people do, for most Gifts that's all you have to go on. But mages with strong enough Gifts can tap energy from outside ourselves too, ley-lines or nodes, without that you'd exhaust yourself right away doing any major magic." 


"Oh, I see, that's cool! I wonder what Sing'll have to say about all this when it gets a look."


"Maybe Sing can help us figure out if there's a way to use magic to get to the other planets. I've always wondered. It's much too far to Gate, of course, at least the usual way, and you can only Gate somewhere you've already been anyway..." 


"Well, if that's the only blocker you could get to another planet nonmagically and Gate afterwards."


"How do you get between planets non-magically? That seems hard!" 


"How'd you think we got to Mars? We don't have magic!" She can start explaining the history of spaceships.


They are so fascinated! 


Then she can keep talking about spaceships over and after dinner. She was in a spaceship at the time she had the mysterious accident that dropped her in the Plains!


"It's such a weird sort of accident! Has that been known to happen before, people ending up in other worlds?" 


"Nope. I have no idea what happened."


"Maybe Sing can help figure it out once we build it!" Kilchas offers cheerfully. "You must miss your world a lot, I'm sorry ours is so - lacking in amenities. Are people over there going to be very worried about you?" 

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