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Tarinda in Velgarth
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"Hmm. I think our mages can probably freeze people? Savil can make ice. Just wasn't sure if it'd need to be done in a specific way." 


"When Sing does it, it does it in a specific way that doesn't make - sharp ice parts - but I don't know if you can do that. Any freezing is a better chance than no freezing but if you're going to do it with magic Page can tell me how to do it."


"Mmm. I think it's at least worth looking into. We - won't be able to get everyone, we don't have enough mages and Vanyel's magic is currently impaired. But - we could at least try to get anyone who's dying in Haven in the surrounds. And Heralds. We have a magic bell so we always know right away if we lose someone, and who, and that means we can - usually retrieve their bodies promptly, if we want." 


"Just Heralds, or anybody in town?"


"The magic bell is just Heralds." 


"Okay. Page says it has to be very soon after death, minutes or maybe a couple of candlemarks, it won't work for anyone whose brain is destroyed like in a fire, and it's best if the freezing is very, very fast."


"Thank you. I'll ask Savil about it. Anything else you need right now?" 


"I think we've covered it. Thank you for seeing me."


"You're welcome. It's a pleasure to meet you, and - it feels strange to wish you good luck, because if you pull this off it absolutely won't be by luck, but - good luck." 


"Thank you!" She produces a sweepingly showy bow and backs out of the room.



(Stef is not looking curious at all. It is a very deliberate not-looking-curious.)


Someone can show her back to her guest room if she wants? 


"I remember the way, but actually, is there a library I could check out?"


"There's a library in the Palace! I could walk you there too. The Heralds also have a private one but you would need to go with one of them, I think." 


"Palace library's fine!"


Then she can be ushered there! 

It's - not that impressive by the standards of an industrial civilization, but there are probably a couple thousand books in it. There is a library clerk who nods to her without much interest and asks if she needs help finding anything. 


"Just looking, thanks." She goes on a hunt for books about magic and world history.


There's a small section on Gifts; there are only a few books about mage-gift (that seem pretty introductory, at a glance), and more books about all the others. The history section is larger, though much of it is books of (semi?)-historical ballads. 


She will skip the music for now and read introductory mage-gift texts and non-ballad histories in the library till somebody bothers her or it's lunchtime.


Yfandes Mindspeaks her a while before lunchtime. :Van got his Foresight unblocked but the dream did not oblige him by showing up last night. We're busy this morning, debrief with the Senior Circle about the fact-finding part of our mission before we ran into you, but - let us know if you need anything: 


:I'm good for now, thanks!:


And then Herald-Mage Sandra finds her at the library just before lunch. "Heard you were here. Want to have lunch together and talk about the things you need made?" 


"Sounds great!" Tarinda follows her out and starts trying to identify local words if any exist for such things as silicon.


There does not seem to be a local word for silicon but she can tell Sandra what materials it's in - you can use magic to separate metals from ore, sometimes, although it's annoying and not actually the way most metallurgy is done, but probably she could figure it out for new things too. 


Tarinda will draw her the periodic table over lunch.

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