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Tarinda in Velgarth
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Shavri nods. "I'm going to head over and help with her." She jogs after the other Healers. 


Vanyel sits down on the path beside Tarinda. He's a bit winded. "Fire's out, stopped smoking. We'll need to air it out somehow before anyone can go in there, though." 


"If Sandra recovers enough to tell us what it was, Page'll know more about how bad the smoke is and what could be done about it besides just releasing it into the air if anything, but I don't know how long she'll be in bed dubiously conscious."


"Makes sense. I don't think it's flammable or anything, or there would've been a very big explosion already, so it should be fine to just leave it with the doors shut a day or two and tell the servants to keep their distance." 


Tarinda nods pensively.


"What a rotten day, though." Vanyel hauls himself to his feet, wearily, and offers Tarinda a hand. "We can set you up somewhere else in the meantime, maybe?"  


"That'd be good - and maybe somebody could Fetch out what I was working on -"


"Oh, right. I can probably do that from Farsight, er, tomorrow when I'm rested." 

Vanyel spends a moment considering whether it's worth sending a message to Leareth about this. Probably it's not sufficiently relevant; it was an accident, they'll be more careful going forward, and it won't slow her down by that much. He should pass on to Savil to have the nearest Farseer on circuit check the location to see if Leareth has sent them mail from his end, though. 


Tarinda will finish coughing up gunk, and go have lunch.


The next day, Vanyel helps Fetch out all her current equipment, going by her descriptions of it and images held in her surface thoughts, and they put her in one of the old mage-work rooms not currently in use. 


Sandra is recovering slowly. She's conscious and mostly lucid by the end of that day. 


Well, if she knows what was spilled, Tarinda (Page, that is) can advise on cleanup.


She's pretty out of it but can eventually convey what it was so that instructions can be followed. 


Tarinda resumes work, frets about Sandra in her spare time, and eats a lot.


By the end of the second day, Sandra is able to sit up and can eat on her own (still liquid foods only because her throat is swollen from the irritating smoke.) The Healers think that both her lungs and her eyes will have some amount of permanent damage, but she can see a little now and she should be all right with light duties once she's recovered more. 


This is also the night that Savil alerts both Vanyel and Tarinda that the Farseer up north saw a message left in the specified location, presumably from Leareth, and efforts are underway right now to retrieve it without putting anyone at risk. 


Oooh what's it saaaaaay


They don't end up getting it to Haven until the next day, when Savil Gates over to retrieve it and then very, very cautiously opens it. In one of the Work Rooms. 

It does not explode or prove to contain poison or traps.

"It says that he's received the demonstration and is impressed. He wants to offer some sort of concrete, bounded help, both because he directly wants to help anyone working on something like this, and as a demonstration for us. Ideally it would be something he can leave in a specified location and we could retrieve later and check for magical traps and all that. He's not sure what would be helpful, but - magical artifacts, materials, scholarly works, anything like that we can think of that wouldn't require a face to face conversation. He suggests we reply by leaving our own message or just wait for the dream with Vanyel." 


"I'd rather not wait but I don't know how much it puts you guys out to fetch the mail like this. Uh, are all the things I could ask for that would be directly useful going to be giveaways about the details, should I just ask for a shield talisman or something?"


"It's not a terrible inconvenience, we have a Herald out there anyway, it's mostly just me having to Gate. And, honestly, your work seems like it's occasionally dangerous, so asking for a really good shield-talisman isn't a bad idea. We could ask for one that specifically protects against lightning, since you'll be working with electricity eventually, and maybe has a heat-sink shield for protecting against fire - I have no idea if that's even possible but if anyone knows how to make that it'd be Leareth." 


"That's a good idea! You'd know how to phrase it technically better than I would..."


"Vanyel and I will write out a description. This shouldn't give away much, it'll make it sound like you're working with extremely high-powered magic." 


"Perfect, thank you."


The letter is drafted, written up, and sent. 


Sandra continues to recover, but slowly. She's very apologetic that she can't help Tarinda with her research anymore. 

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