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Tarinda in Velgarth
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Leareth reaches just far enough past the Gate to fling a shield under her feet and catch her. 


She flips up away from the new crack, lands near the stablehand, gives him her talisman.


"You need to get out of there now!" Leareth calls to her, beckoning for her to cross the Gate. 


She snarls and makes for his Gate.


He offers her a hand across. 


Twenty yards away, the stablehand reaches the main doors of the wing where the Web-room is. 

- which collapse on him the moment he tries to cross the doorway. 


Leareth makes a small frustrated sound and lunges past Tarinda so he can cast magic on the other side of the Gate, yanking the young man out from under the rubble. 


The stablehand seems mostly unharmed, scrambling to his feet. (It's a really good shield-talisman.) 

He backpedals from the building. "No I'm sorry I can't–"


Tarinda bursts into frustrated tears. Sticks her head through. :Kellan there's got to be SOMEBODY else - or a Fetcher who can just grab Van out -:


:Almost no one is strong enough to fetch an entire person's weight - I'll try to ask...:

The ground is, at this point, mostly not shaking. 


Leareth makes another soft, frustrated sound. 

"...I am going in." He says it more to the man standing behind him, who seems to actually be the one casting the Gate, than to Tarinda. "He is dying - it is going to be less dangerous now." His eyes turn to her. "It is far more recoverable if I die than if you do, since I will come back. You need to stay here. Keep your distance from the Gate in case She tries to blast it - I do not think She has the control, but. I will be back very soon, and - if I am not I will be back eventually and my people will offer you all the help you need for your project in the meantime. Please stay here." 

And he steps briskly across the Gate. Marches over to the stablehand, says something, holds out his hand and collects the shield-amulet, which he puts on in addition to several other visible mage-artifacts he's wearing. 

He doesn't head for the doorway, though. He stands and looks up at the window, eyes narrowed. 


She shivers, watches through the Gate. From a couple yards back.


Leareth is examining the area - maybe gauging with mage-sight where the shielded room is, maybe something else - and then, almost in the blink of an eye, a Gate appears on thin air in front of him, the other side looking on a stone hallway, and then he's through it and out of sight. 


Tarinda glances at the person holding up the Gate.


"He did a short-range blind Gate to where he guessed thought the hallway was, I think? He can do that. Most people can't." 


Leareth's little Gate stands there, glowing and lonely, for about thirty seconds, and then all the shaking stops. 

And another thirty seconds later he's back, Vanyel draped over his shoulder, and hauling Savil by her tunic. He gently lowers her to the grass - Kellan is already approaching at a trot - and then he runs for the Gate. "Ebben we need a Healer now." His eyes fix on Tarinda. "Where is his Companion, do you know."  


:Coming! What's happening?: 


"She says she's coming." :Leareth went in and grabbed Van and Savil clear of the Web-room:


:Oh, thank the gods - that's why it all stopped? I'm almost there: 

She's approaching, not totally steady on her legs but managing. 


The other side of the Gate is in a spacious room that seems to be underground. Leareth is lowering Vanyel to the floor. 


Vanyel isn't moving. It's not clear if he's even breathing. His face is greyish, his lips blue. 


Well if a Healer isn't going to show up RIGHT THIS SECOND then Tarinda can check him over and see if Page recommends CPR or something.


It seems like the Healer is not here RIGHT THIS SECOND although Leareth is barking orders about it again. 


Yfandes staggers across the Gate, which snaps down a second later, leaving them fully in a mysterious underground room in an unknown location. 


Vanyel still has a weak pulse but he is definitely not breathing. 

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