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Tarinda in Velgarth
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Well then she will do amateur CPR because Page thinks it's better than nothing.


Then by the time the Healer gets there about a minute later, Vanyel will be breathing on his own, although he seems to be having a hard time with it. 


Leareth kneels beside the Healer, watching Vanyel with visible worry. 


Tarinda sits back and hugs her knees. "He may have a cracked rib, that was me," she murmurs.


"Well, you got him breathing again. Where did you learn to do that?" 


"I didn't. It's complicated."


The Healer nods and then leaves the matter alone and focuses on Vanyel. 


Within a few minutes Vanyel's color is better and his breathing is more regular, though he doesn't seem inclined to wake up. 


Leareth looks expectantly at the Healer. 


"I think he will be all right. We should trade off to have someone sit with him overnight - and get him to a bed, ideally." 


"I can do that." Leareth carefully scoops Vanyel into his arms. Glances at Tarinda again. "You can come with us if you wish." 


"I can carry him - I don't know how heavy he is for you -"


"He is not difficult to carry." Leareth gives Tarinda a slightly bemused look. She's definitely smaller than him. 


"Okay." She follows along.


There are stairs, which Leareth navigates without difficulty, and then a hallway, and a room that looks sort of like an infirmary, with a bed where Leareth lays Vanyel. Another Healer is already arriving to help out the first; Leareth backs out of their way, but hovers by the wall, he doesn't seem very inclined to leave.

"What is your name?" he says finally to Tarinda. "I cannot keep referring to you as 'Vanyel's friend who is making a god'."




Someone is asking Leareth a question in a low voice. He holds up a hand, apologetic, and turns to them, then nods, and lifts his hand. A Gate-threshold appears on the door of the infirmary room; it's a big door, presumably to accommodate multiple Healers carrying a patient through on a litter. 


Yfandes practically bounds through. :Thank you!: 


"My apologies for leaving you downstairs in the first place." Leareth turns to Tarinda. "Anyway. I am pleased to meet you face to face, though I wish the circumstances had been different. Where are you from? Vanyel had implied the south but I am starting to think Vanyel implied a number of things here that are not strictly true." 


"I'm from farther away than that." She looks at Vanyel. "Unless somebody died today nobody I've ever met has died. - after I met them. I've met people who died before I met them."



"I don't want to invent a better god. I was born in a place that already had one. Also it's not exactly a god like you have here."


"You come from a world that is not this one." 


"Yeah. I don't know how I got here. If it were easy for Sing to follow me it would have done it already. But maybe if I build one here it can take data from me and figure it out. And also fix your world."


Leareth is silent for an entire minute, absorbing that with his expression completely neutral. 

"My guess," he says, finally, "is that your 'god' is not magical at all. Is that correct." 

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